I Love My Computer

22 DIY Garden Bench Ideas - Free Plans for Outdoor Benches

Friday -- Cold, mixed sunny and cloudy morning, 2 C below zero. I changed 
my schedule today. It is 8.15 I am up, out of bed. Done with my breakfast, 
enjoying my tea, sitting in the TV lounge, watching News channel. Nothing 
good is there, but we have to watch, to be connected with, what is going on, 
all around the world.

I am looking through the big glass panels, in front, to distract myself.
Trying to enjoy the view of my back garden. It is very quiet there.
No birds, no Black Squirrel. I think, everyone watching News, trying
to follow social distancing directives. Everyone staying home.

Nowadays, we don't have any visitor, nowhere to go. Just going for 
walks, keeping distance from everyone around. I can't see anyone. 
I think, all staying home. 

I know, it looks depressive. But keep in mind that, there is always 
light at the end of tunnel.Things will change. " This Too Shall Pass ".
Till then, we have to focus on pushing ourselves to stay positive. 

We have to  keep ourselves busy with things to stay away from thinking 
negative. Live in day tight compartment. Leave no space for negative
thoughts, to get depressed. 

Start gardening, water plants. Sort things to clean your house. If you 
live in apartment, buy some flower pots, water and watch, to flourish. 
Enjoy company of your pets, reading your favorite books/magazines.

Have cup of tea/coffee and sit in garden or balcony, to do bird watching. 
Hang bird feeder and you will start getting visitors. I mean bird will come 
to your place, to share your moments. You wont feel lonely, not alone 

I also push myself to stay positive. I go for my walks, Spend time in my 
kitchen to make things, to let my family enjoy. Kitchen is one of my favorite 
spot in my household.

I Make calls to my loved ones. I call some members of my club, who 
live alone. Computer plays an important part in my life. I spend time 
with my computer, to get connected with my daughters.

My computer helps me to connect with my friends and to write my Blogs. 
I take my Blog writing, like spending time with my Readers Family. 
It provides me opportunity to watch my favorite shows, to play Scrabble 
and Card games, to refresh my soul.

With all these, it looks that computer plays an integral part in my day to 
day life, always there to help me out, to distract my mind from thinking 
negative. Mind and Body are two in one. Our body will never be in good 
health until, our mind feels good. We have to focus on, how to take care 
of our mind, rest will be fine. Nothing to worry about after that.


  1. I have posted the blog in the Smile cafe. Yes SMILE CAFE. I finally got the notification from the authorities that the Smile Cafe can keep open. I have been using your suggestions and it worked. The priest's final appeal was rejected yesterday. He still insisted that the security guard that I had was not doing his job properly and went inside to read the blog himself instead of stopping people from going in the store in droves. I showed the judge the copy of the blog and he agreed that its natural that people will like to read the blog right away because its too addictive. I have been given permission by the town that I can open the cafe. There is no seating allowed and only 2 people are allowed in. They need to maintain distance of course. The rest have to line up outside with social distancing. Smile cafe is now considered "essential service". The Councillor was also very helpful. I am repeating some of these things but I am not sure if you are getting my comments. Thank you again for all your help

  2. We would like to respectfully submit our apologies for not providing our thoughts for the last 3 days. We have been consuming your sagacious, yet lively, antidotes as part of our staple diet to stimulate our literary horizons in these terrible times. Since we were not able to add anything else to the discourse, hence we chose to remain in the background. We recognize that you are gracious enough to overlook these frailties, so this is simply a personal diffidence that we have which we are endeavoring to overcome.

    We have also included some of your messages in the Covid 19 communication that we are responsible for coordinating. These subtle messages of hope are uplifting and aiding in mitigating the depressing aura that we are faced with during these times..

    thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome player. She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I read this blog every day. It is my lifeline


  5. I read blog in France.

    1. You blog good. Me English no good. Russian good

    2. This good. I no Anglais but Spanish good

    3. Good blog. You Italian fan

    4. I like blog China

  6. I keep telling my lazy mother in law that you keep yourself so busy. Instead of sleeping all day, you go about your life independently. My Mother in Law does the complete opposite. She eats all the time and when she is not eating, she is found plunked in front of a tv or in bed.

    Happy Reader

  7. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I see Happy Worker in grocery store and say hello. She say how you stranger ? I say I lot problem because no job. Job worker 2 try help and she say go meet Mr. Supervisor and shake hand but Mr Supervisor no like and he call dear Mr. Security Guard. Happy Worker say but why you shake hand because we need to be 6 feet away. I say Job worker 2 tell me that if I no shake hand then I no get job. Happy Worker say she trick you all time. Why you keep listen to her. I say she help me give advice. Happy Worker say you only need listen to Madam and do what make sense. I say yes I make mistake. Happy worker say you go to Mr. Supervisor Monday and say you sorry and no come close to him. I say I know where he live I can go now. Happy Worker say no, please dont. Just wait till office open and then meet him there and no talk job worker 2. I say I need to give her grocery. She say what you mean? I say I am getting grocery for her so I need to give it to her. I think Happy worker get head hurt and go. I do 0 proud job and always read blog

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees are feeling very low these days. There is nothing to do. We cant even go to the restaurant to read blog. Many retirees are not comfortable with computers, so we only watch news on TV. The news is very depressing also. For those living in senior homes are feeling very scared all the time because the workers can walk out any time. And for those living with their families are having problems because the grand kids are grown up and they dont spend time with the retirees. We feel like we are stuck. And feeling down. Can you suggest something?4

    Thank you
    Recent retiree

  9. Dear Author,

    Students are feeling very low. We cant meet anyone and have to stay home all the time. Our parents also give us a hard time. They expect that we put the groceries in the fridge after they have washed it. What the hell is that? ! They are the ones who get the groceries, they are the ones who wash it, so why ask us to put that in the fridge? We know that they do that to get us involved but we DONT WANT to be involved in household chores ! Also, some parents are going a little wonky. They keep asking us what time do we go to sleep. Its NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. Whats next? Will they ask us who our friends are?

    Thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. Father say father sick and no able walk. Father say father go emergency. Father say father very scare virus. Father say virus big problem here in Germany. Father say father old almost 67

    (Me need take father emergency because father very sick. Me tell doctor that father scare. Doctor laff and then get anger say father sick because he eat lot. Me say he only eat 1 big pizza but docor say that lot. Father then tell doctor that father also eat food that Hannah send for 1 week. Me say father no supose do. Father yell me and say me, it no my business. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing friend. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!

  12. Your messages of hope are very uplifting. We are posting it in our fridge at our home. We specially highlighted your message from today is

    "Leave no space for negative thoughts, to get depressed. "

    In this day and age, this is indeed comforting that you are there to pick us up and when we are feeling low

    thank you
    Keith Walker

  13. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing friend. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!

  14. Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....

    Thank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again

  15. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.

    Fantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though


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