
Showing posts from February, 2016

Be In The Moment

It's exhausting and frustrating to have a busy mind. Try to keep your mind calm and present at one place. A calm and focused mind is an important ingredient of inner peace. Please learn and try to practice consciously to keep your mind focus on one conversation or one activity you are engaged in at the moment. With your absolute concentration. Focus and try to be in the moment will make that person feel as he is the most important person in the world to you at that moment. Drop the rest of your thinking, to remind your mind to focus. Don't allow your mind to wander. The time someone says to you, " Thank you for just being there for me, for just listening ", you will feel on the top of the world. So every time when you are with someone, just ask yourself, "Are you in there?", if you are not, you will try to focus and be there. This will act like a simple reminder for you.

Enjoy and be Quiet

O God! please set a guard over my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips. Let no one come to me without leaving happier and better. Do not let any talk come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful. For building others up according to their needs. It may benefit to those who listen. Always encourage yourself and others. To find ways to make lives easier. Our thoughts are the most powerful tools. We can use them to create joy, excitement, fun, happiness and peace. Please keep this in mind.

Morning Newspaper

We can wake up in the morning with a list of complaints.  As long as the front page of the Newspaper. We can just as easily allow our thoughts to be self -- destructive weapons. Whichever road we take ---  positive or negative. Our choice is likely to have little if anything to do with how "good" our life really is on the "outside". Our  well - being depends on how we process our lives on inside. On our thinking what do we think? Keeping in mind the reality that you control your own thoughts and nothing else. You will be in pretty good shape.

Celebrate Triumphs

Words have power to acknowledge our hard work. Bring out the best in us. Boost our confidence. Support us in tough times. Bolster our self image. Celebrate our triumphs. Give comfort in time of sorrow. Make us feel like we count. Help us to believe in ourselves.

A Single Rose

A single rose is of greater value to the living than an entire wreath is to the dead. A single kind word is of greater value to the living than a whole bunch of kind words at a memorial service. Talk to your friends and family members s if it's the last time you ever will. If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make. Who would call and what would you say. And why are you waiting. Never lose a chance of saying a kind word. We can not afford to underestimate the importance and power of our words.

Dining by Candlelight

We all need a boost from time to time. A few lines of praise have been known to turn around a day, even a life. A handwritten note is like dining by candlelight instead of flicking on the lights. Like taking a walk instead of driving. You can still use the telephone or the web for staying in touch. But the words that matter, it's courteous, classy and caring to pick up a pen. Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead. Speak them rather now. The greatest weakness of most humans, is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them.

Brighten Our Days

Kind Words always Encourage us when we need an extra little push. Remind us about what's right and good in the world. Supply us with a burst of energy. Tell us we are appreciated. Surprise us with joy in unexpected times. Teach us valuable lessons. Upholds us during our darkest hours. Give us the recognition we deserve. Point out the reasons for being thankful. Show that others have faith in us. Brighten our days. Enrich our lives.

Giggle and Laugh

Kind words cheer us up when the world is getting us down. Honor us for our achievements. cause us to giggle and laugh. Restore our faith in the goodness of humanity. Inspire us to give our best. Let us know someone cares. Lifts our spirits. Warm our hearts. Improve our moods. heal our wounds.

Lasting Treasures

Kind words in writing become lasting Treasures. Words in writing can change lives, even start careers. Keep in mind that a personal, handwritten note, is always great than a nice store bought card. Try to write notes of ," Thank You ", expression of Sympathy, "Thinking of You"  Messages. Congratulations, letter of Apology and reminders of love and friendship. These are all very kind notes and will make great difference in someone's life. Think about that. In a world too often cold and unresponsive, spirit - lifting notes are springs of warmth and reassurances. We all need supportive words to boost our morale. We can make it a point to express ourselves in a harmonious, cheerful and caring manner.

Handle With Care

Laughter is a good medicine. Laugh and the world laughs with you. Humor is a serious thing. I like to think of it as one of our greatest natural resources, which must be preserved at all costs. Literally count to ten to give yourself time to think about what you'r going to say. No put downs. Compliments spoken here. Remind these words to refresh your memory. Some say, a word is dead, when it is said. I say, it just begins to live that day. Words have the power to change a life in positive ways. They can chart a destiny. But they can also have the power to destroy a life. So please handle with care. Be very careful before use.

Create Courage

Life is a series of problems. Do we want to moan about them or solve them. Problems not only call for our courage and our wisdom. They create our courage and wisdom. He who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. Don't forget the glory of simply being human. Think more about the community and the society in which we live. We can make a difference within our institutions and our communities.

Fountain of Life

A kind mouth multiplies friends. The mouth is a fountain of life. He who guards his lips guards his life. The lips of the wise spread knowledge. Pleasant words are like a honeycomb. Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Start with the magic words. We are talking about please and thank you. If you want nice things to happen, these are the words should be heard. We know these things, but sometimes need to be reminded about how important they are.

Tongue is Tree of Life

It's not so much what you say, as the manner in which you say it. It's not so much the language we use, as the tone in which we convey it. Tone is sometimes more important than the words we use. Tone puts feelings behind our words. It makes goo connection, make our communication effective. The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life. Our bodies are talking. If you want to get closer to those around you, be aware of the power of communication, which you hold in your hands.

Two Phrase Hardest to Say

The two phrases that have most power to heal a damaged relationship. The two phrases that are the hardest for us to say. " I was wrong ". " I am sorry ". Loving words always offer comfort. Gentle speech makes friends. Be slow to anger, slow to blame. Gracious words show respect and gratitude. Words can heal. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime. Joyful words celebrate life.

Powerful Push

Every day that we wake up is a good day. Every breath that we take is filled with hope for a better day. Every word that we speak is a chance to change what is bad into something good. Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and a hope. A " You can do it " when things are tough. The deepest urge in human nature is the desire to feel important. Loving words heal relationships.

Words go Deep into the Body

We are making choices all the time, but we are often unaware of it. One of the important choices is, how we treat other people. We can put them down or, can lift them up. We can be self centered and inconsiderate, or we can be respectful, kind and helpful. For the most part, we do these things with the language we choose. Always remind yourself about making choices with your mind and your mouth. Words go into the body, can cause happiness, be wondrous and cheerful. Or they can make us depressed, and finally sick. Realize the power that our words command if we simply choose them wisely.

Words Do Not Die

Sometimes silence is golden. Listen while others are talking. We have to realize that every single thing that goes into our mouth, is a choice. Not only do we choose what goes into our mouth, we choose what comes out of them. Words go into our body. They impact our body and also on others. Most of us make unconscious choices in the words that we use. Words, once said, do not die.

Start me up Breakfast

Have the " start me up breakfast " Coffee, bagel, and wisdom. Good the more communicated, the more abundant grows. Words are choices. Respect the power of words. Chose them with care. We live by choice not by chance. Failure is greater teacher than success. The best use anyone can make of any day is to enjoy it ----  and then spread that joy to others. Let us celebrate Today.

Reflection of our Souls

Words come from Heart. Every time we open our mouth, we reveal something about ourselves. Our words reveal us. Our words are usually a reflection of what's going on inside. Sometimes, we have to examine our own language, to get to know ourselves better. Take a closer look at your own language and you will know yourself. Heart is a symbol of emotions and feelings. Eyes are Window of our Soul. Of our inner selves.

Trash Out

We hear and we read, that is a lot of input. We are what we are because of what goes into our mind. Screen out the Trash, eliminate the negative input. Start your day with a positive input. We have to control what goes in. It is very difficult to control all the messages from all sides, we are getting every day, every moment. We have to control and sort all the Messages. Take all the good and  positive ones and screen out the trash. Sit down in the quiet of the morning with a cup of hot coffee and something uplifting to read. This will make your Day.

Pen is Mighty

Two sure ways to fail, think and never do, or do and never think. To communicate your Message unmistakably clear, keep it simple. Keep in mind that success is a partnership. Try to give credit to the people, who assisted you in your success trip. Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. Speech is civilization itself. The instruments of both life and death are contained within the power of tongue. Words make us Human. Words are what hold society together. Words can hurt and shock, or they can heal and lift spirit. The pen is mightier than the sword.

Words have Power

Life and language are alike sacred. Language can change lives. Words shape history, and give birth to ideas. Thinkers and leaders have used the power of words to transform our emotions. The tongue and the pen are Mighty. Careful with fire, careful with words is ten times doubly so. The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. There is relationship between good character and the quality of life, and a  major part played by the power of kind words. Language is our best tool, use it wisely and carefully. Kind words cost little but accomplish much. They have great impact on our lives and on our society in so many ways. Remind yourself to do it often.

Mind Your Language

The World does  not require so much to be informed as to be reminded. Words are tools that we always have access to and have used every day since we started talking. We live in an ocean of words, but like fish in water we are often not aware of it. We often talk without thinking first and without being aware of the impact of  our words.Yet they can have a powerful impact  --- both on others and ourselves. Khalil Gibran says that " in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered. " put your mind in gear before putting your mouth in motion ". Celebrate the words, which help to encourage and affirm life. I can live for two months on one good compliment. It has been said that language is an index of civilization, so mind your language please. What we hear all around us every day literally speaks volumes about our culture, our ethics and our consideration for one another. Give a touch to our civilization with a better choice of words. Try to be

Actions and Intentions

Opportunity lies in the person. Those, who stand out from the crowd have learned that all development is self development. We all have same amount of time but not the same talent and ability. We certainly owe a debt to people whose messages have been encouraging and positive as well informative and instructional. Every lesson, taught us the essence of life by instructing us in the character qualities, regardless of our chosen field. failure, many times, is in the beginning of a new and more exciting trip. Persistence really does pay. People judge you by your actions not by your intentions. Truly successful people in life are givers and forgivers.

Manners are Mirrors

Our words reveal our thoughts. Manners are mirror of our self esteem. Our actions reflect our character. Our habits predict the future. Change always involves stress. If you don't have the ability to handle the change and move on, you will be stuck. You might have a heart of gold, but so does a hard boiled egg. Little things can make a big differences. Open your eyes and you will undoubtedly see a hundred things,. you can and should express gratitude for all this.

Resolve Your Complaints

Doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way will assure you of an extraordinary future. Be a good finder and your life will be much happier. A properly handled stress, can work on your behalf. Stress is a force to Drive. Don't be scared of stress. Handle it, and move on. You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell a man is wise by his questions. Deal as gently with the faults of others as you do with your own. Bad attitude negates good work. Good attitude about doing everything will catch up with you, you will move up. Try to resolve all of your complaints in life by being appreciative of the many blessings. Expressing appreciation for the people and for the blessings, is a winning approach.

How Old Are You

A comfortable old age is the reward of a youth well spent. No matter how old, maintain an active interest in other human beings and in the things outside. Follow sensible health rules and exercise on regular basis. Continue to learn new things. Fill your mind with good, clean, pure and powerful thoughts all your life. You will live well and finish well. Be a difference maker for others and it will make a difference in your life. Respond your life instead of react to it. No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of anyone else.

Never Take Life Too seriously

It is how we use our leisure time, which can build or destroy our character. It can help in  making our fortune. While we wait for a traffic light to change, we can pray, pray of us, for others or for the world peace. While we wait for an elevator, we can be still for a while. Take time to think that God is, and that he is still in - charge of the universe. While we drive or ride to work, we can joyously meditate on that which is true, lovely and positive. While we do dishes, mow the lawn, we can sing or whistle. That can add up beauty to our life and also to our fellow beings. It is nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. When you are talking, you are not learning. When you listen, you learn. Temper is far too valuable to loose, so watch yours carefully and you probably won't loose it. Be nice to people, especially those serve you, and listen to what they have to  say.

Words are Dynamite

Speaking of "mere words" is like speaking of "mere dynamite" Powerful words always give powerful results Words have great strength, when these are of love and encouragement will continue to bless and enrich throughout your life and of others too. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. Be kind to listen. Joyful words celebrate life. Affirming words inspire us and others Loving words build and heal relationships Gracious words show respect and Gratitude. Funny words make us laugh. Use your words very carefully. They have Tremendous power, so be careful.