
Showing posts from November, 2020

Maroon Sweater and my Woolen Cap

  Sunday -- Beautiful sunny  morning  of late November, with 8 C. It is 9.45, I am done with my breakfast, enjoying my tea at my deck. I wont stay here long as it is cold and I am not dressed up for this single digit temperature. We, at our age, have to be careful.  It wont be good, to be a burden for our kids. They are busy with their own family matters, with their work and doing things for us, we parents too. We have to realize and have to appreciate all that.  It is a quiet atmosphere in my back garden. It is still a garden as grass is still green and not all the trees are transformed into skeletons.  Some trees are still green, look confident to face, whatever is there. One of the trees, in front looking beautiful, with full of Bronze. The body of another one, on my right, is all covered with Copper. I am enjoying their beauty. The Glass top of my garden table looks blank, showing no Data. I think waiting for weather update, to let me know.  I trust her report. I make my day plans

I Love My Woolen Stole

  Friday -- Beautiful mixed cloudy sunny morning. Weather is also great not below zero. It is 6 C, like a summer for we Canadians. The heap of snow, which was here, couple of days back, all gone.  My red wooden bench looking great on the green of my front garden.  I remember years back, my days in Ottawa. Over there I used to see snow floating on the surface of Rideau Canal even in the month of May. I remember the beautiful view of the Canal, frozen and turned into a great Skating Rink.   My son was working in "Nortel", at that time, we used to live near "Bayshore Mall". My son used to be busy with his work and with his Masters. I used to go to the Mall to pass my time. Ottawa is beautiful city of lakes and gardens. I still remember the scenic view of the "Britannia Beach", from my kitchen window. It was amazing.  In the month of May, the entire city looks like city of Tulips. Yellow, Red, Orange, Purple, all colors are scattered all around the city. Tulip

I Have People Around

  Tuesday -- Beautiful bright morning of late November. Snow is everywhere on the ground but melted away from trees. Cottony flowers of trees, are no more there. Yesterday temperature was in plus. This is all it's fault. Red wooden bench still covered under heap of snow, but not embedded anymore.  It is garbage day in our neighborhood. I can see the big truck collecting the Green bin things. Our Green bin day is once a week, on Tuesdays but garbage will be done on alternate weeks, twice a month. Paper and bottles go, on Green bin days.  I salute all these front line workers, snow, rain or whatever is there. They never miss their days. I can see big brown paper bags full of raked leaves. I don't remember, collection days for that. This is my son's department anyway. None of my business. Why to worry.  It is 10.30, I am in my room. Browsing Facebook messages and also enjoying the outside view, to get connected. My daughter, the middle one, just called from Grimsby. She is now

I am still in the Rink, not retired

  Sunday -- Beautiful morning, today we have our first snowfall here in Toronto. Trees displaying a look of Christmas, all decorated with white fluffy stuff. It is 6 C below zero. How long we can skip this sub zero temperatures. December is just around the corner. Weather channel predicting 10 cm of snow by the evening.  My back garden is not a garden anymore. The green of my lawn is under white sheet. The glass top of my back garden steel table, showing me that 6 cm of snow is already done and it is not stopping any soon. This glass top of my table, works for me, like the display chart of the weather around.  Last night my sleep was not good. I now don't get panicky. I change my spot from bed to my chair, to be with my computer. Now I don't track time, enjoy my shows, play scrabble and card games to distract myself. It is working well. I go to bed whenever my body directs me to do that.  We Humans learn from our mistakes. There is always room to improve. But first, we have to

What a beauty to behold

  Friday -- Beautiful sunny and bright morning of late November. Not so cold. It is 12 C, like a summer for we Canadians. I am done with my breakfast, enjoying tea, walking on my deck. It is a quiet atmosphere. Not many colors around. Some trees look like skeletons. I can see some Bronze and Copper on the bodies of couple of trees. Can't see much Gold around. I think, stolen away.  I didn't have good sleep last night. No use of wasting time, lying down in bed. I was out of my bed, switched my computer on and enjoyed my favorite show, to distract myself. For smooth running, first have to relax ourselves. Just try to calm down and take some time off. We don't have to push, it never works out. I went to bed, may be anytime after 2 am. I didn't check. We have to avoid to keep track of time, while our sleep is already disturbed. It will add up pressure and will result in anxiety. Time pressure will be the killer for sleepless nights. Just relax. Nothing is end of the world.

We can manage, we will be fine

  Tuesday -- Beautiful bright morning. Windy and cold with 2 C, feels like 4 C below zero. "Feels like" is an integral part of  our Weather report. We Canadians chalk our programs, keeping the "feel like" factor in mind. It is 10.15, I am done with my breakfast, opened my patio door to have a feel of the morning breeze. It was windy and cold, on top I was not properly dressed up to cope the weather. I think, have to go to my room to be with my computer. It is always there for me, like a friend, to have my refuge.  My daughters called me, from Kent and Reading. They were back from work. It was already afternoon at their place. They live in different time zone, five hours ahead of my time in Pickering. My daughter, the middle one, called me from Grimsby. She got Covid, may be contracted from someone at school. She is now in quarantine. Not easy for the people around in the house as well as for the person, who is suffering. Everyone in the household has to go into quar

The Twin Tower Apartments

  Sunday -- Cloudy morning with light drizzle. Strong wind warning for the afternoon. Weather advisory is, " stay home ". People are already staying home because of Covid situation. It is 2 C, not below zero, so stay positive. Glass is half full, not half empty. It is 9.45, I am done with my breakfast, enjoying morning tea, sitting in the TV lounge. Sports Channel is on, my son is watching and also busy with his computer. I am watching that too, also enjoying the scenic view of my back garden, through the big glass panels in front.  It looks like a quiet atmosphere. On the deck, my steel garden table with glass top and the four chairs looking great, neat and tidy, washed under rain. This garden table plays very important role in my life. It's  glass top helps me to figure out, what is going on outside.  Helps me to chalk out my day plans accordingly. It's role is like my personal weather channel. Looking at the glass top of my garden table, I can figure out if it is b

I Think It is Classical, not sure

  Friday -- Beautiful bright sunny morning with 4 C. It is nearly mid November still no sub zero temperature. What else we need to celebrate our days, here in Canada. I am done with my breakfast, enjoying morning tea in my back garden, walking around on the deck. It is a quiet atmosphere still  looking great. Trees are loaded with Bronze and Copper. Not much Gold left, might be stolen away. Beautiful Coffee color leaves are scattered around on the green of my lawn, adding up the scenic beauty. I know snow is on the way. It is just matter of weeks and my walks on the deck, will be over. Who cares, what will be the next. Future, we don't know.   Present moment is everything. Try to drain every drop of happiness from the moments in hand. Don't bin your moments. Life is a gift from God.  Every moment is precious. It goes on slipping from our hands, to be changed into our past.  We can not turn the pages after that. Done is done. Today is everything. Keep that in mind.  I can't

I Think Gold Stolen Away

  Tuesday -- Beautiful morning bright and sunny with 13 C, later will be 23 in the afternoon. It doesn't look like November. Tomorrow will be rain after that  temperature will start dropping down and party will be over. For now we are enjoying . Present moments are everything.  It is 9.30, I am done with my breakfast, having my morning tea, walking on my deck and also enjoying the scenic view around. Trees in my back garden, are looking beautiful. One is full of Gold, the other one is loaded with some copper, some Bronze. Grass is still green, full of life. It is 10.15, I am in my room. My computer is switched on, ready to connect with friends and members of my family. Windows are open, curtains are drawn up to connect with the world outside. Beautiful view outside. Sun is shining. Black Squirrel is running around, I think, He has to top up his steps. Now enjoying his morning snacks on my garden. My son is planning to go to lake. I am getting ready to go with him.  We have to try,

From Pickering To London

  Sunday -- Beautiful morning of early November sunny and bright with 9 C, will be 16 later in the afternoon. Amazing. I am enjoying my morning tea walking on my deck. We have to avail whatever is there. You never know what will be the next. Enjoy your moment. Not many colors around. Trees look quiet, waiting for the days ahead. Days of cold and snow. They are quiet but not down, ready to face the days ahead with their heads high. Look confident. Night before yesterday my sleep was very disturbed. I went to bed couple of times to try my luck but no success, was able to sleep after 5.30 in the morning.  I was out of my bed at 8.15, thinking to take my day like a slow one.  But things turned other way round.  My son was going to London to drop his son to London as his Reading weeks were over. His Uni to be started form Monday. My daughter in law used to go with him but for some reason she was skipping this time. An open spot was there for me to avail. I told you whatever is there, take i

Go with Whatever Clicks

  Friday -- Beautiful sunny morning of early November. Weather is great in double digits for a change. It rarely happens for we Canadians. I am enjoying my morning tea, walking on my deck. It is a quiet atmosphere. Not much colors left on trees around. Gold leaves are scattered on the green of my lawn. Beautiful view of my back garden. Black Squirrel is not here. I think must be enjoying down at the lake. My son planning to go to lake too. I am getting ready to go with him. It is scenic view here. I am walking on trails, trying not to crush the Gold and Copper leaves scattered all around. One side is the lake. Water at the right is sparkling like Silver and Gold under the sun. While on the left, displaying all shades of Blue, Grey and Black. The rising of ups and downs of waves, shows their excitement and happiness. I can feel their thrill and also enjoying their  melodious  music. This is sort of meditation. Two birds are also here somewhere in the woods. They can see me, I can't.

Just Do It

  Tuesday -- Beautiful cold morning of early November with 2 C. It looks quiet at my back garden. Black Squirrel must be still in bed. Gold leaves are scattered all around on the green of my lawn. I can't see any bird. They must be gone to South of the Border for rest of the season. Same is with Butterflies. They be back in Spring with flowers. We have to be busy with our own things in this cold and Covid period of time. First spell of snow was yesterday early morning. It was for short duration, started at night, didn't stay long. My son had to go to Home Depot. I went with him to get out.  We have to avail every chance available to make our day, to get busy, to get out. He went inside the store, I walked outside to pass my time. It was very cold. I was dressed up in layers still was not comfortable. From there I went to Shoppers Drug Mart to pick my routine medicine. Calcium 500 mg for my Osteoporosis to supplement my bone density. I take that, one tablet every day.  We have t

Sparkling Stream and Gold Leaves

  Sunday -- It is the first day of November. Cloudy and rainy morning with 2 C. My back garden looking beautiful with full of Gold leaves. I am  watching and enjoying the flow of rain drops on the glass top of the patio table on the left side at my deck. I popped my face out to enjoy the musical notes of the rain drops. Beautiful view to behold, to enjoy, to cherish these moments. It is 10.30, time at our place in Canada, is now one hour behind than the time of yesterday. It is normal routine to adjust the short days of winter. My son is fixing the big round wall clock of our TV lounge. I am done with my breakfast and also watching TV and spending time with my son.  Now time to go to my room to be with my computer. To be with my friends and to spend time with my daughters. They will send me messages to set time to call. I will adjust my schedule to coordinate. We parents have to be flexible, keeping in mind that our kids have family of their own.  Our kids must be busy with their famil