
Showing posts from June, 2022

Good Bye with Photo ops and Smile

  It is Tuesday beautiful weather, 16 C, sunny and bright. No rain no snow. Sky is blue, all clear. I am enjoying at my deck, sitting on my favorite chair, having my morning cup of tea. We have to start our day with anything, we like to enjoy. Sitting at the favorite spot of your house / apartment, inside or outside doesn't matter.  Try to enjoy your moment. Today is big and busy day for me. My youngest grandson, the Slurpee Boy's Graduation ceremony is today. My son and my daughter in law have taken day off. I am not working today, so I am fine. My eldest one, the Lucky Guy and the middle one, Master Golden will be coming from work, to be there, with family. It is 11.30, I am in Oshwa, 40 minutes away from my place, Pickering, sitting in Auditorium, beautifully decorated with flowers and colorful banners. Ceremony will start at 12.30,  will be many speeches and presentations.  It will be a long day but family is family. We have to be there to share special moments.  It looks a

My Morning Cup of Tea

  Beautiful day. Great morning. Sunny and bright. Today is 24th of June. Half of the year is about to go after a week. Time runs fast. It looks, we were celebrating this New year not long ago. That New year is not new any more.   I start my Blogs with something bright. We have to skip anything gloomy, specially, while starting our day. Try to start your day with something positive, anything which can add up the beauty of our day, to make our life brighter.  What we put on paper, we write or print in words, is transmitted to our brain for processing. Our brain acts like a powerhouse, catches signals around, to pass on to our mind. Our mind directs our body, to act accordingly.  Mornings are the face of our day. Be careful to start your mornings. Think twice, to open up, to write every page of  your story of life. Our life is like our story book. What we do, how we pass our day, is like writing pages to add up, to compile our book of life. Start your day with anything positive. Stay away

Enjoying Cup of Tea at My Deck

  It is 8.15, I am done with my breakfast, enjoying my morning cup of tea, outside at my Deck, sitting on one of my favorite knitted chair. All shades of green, Olive, Sea, Blackish, Yellowish, all are around me. I look up, to see, thirty to forty feet high beautiful trees, all around.  I calculate their heights, comparing to myself. I am under Six. Five something. Nice weather. Not so warm. It is 20 C. My back garden is looking great with full of colors. Deep Red, Rose Pink, Purple, Yellow and White, all sorts of flowers are scattered in the flower bed, on the back of my garden.  Today I am off, don't have to go to my work. Everyone in the house, left to work. My son is at Court House. No one is at school. My youngest grandson is done with his school too, will be going to Uni from September. Time flies so fast. They all are growing up, I am getting old. This is life. It is 9.15, I am in my room, my computer is switched on, to take me to the places of my choice, to connect with the

Enjoyed Pot Luck at Our Club

  Beautiful Day. Nice morning, sunny and bright. I am done with my breakfast, have to go to my work, at nine after. It is 8.15, lots of time to get ready. For now, I am enjoying my morning tea at my deck, sitting on one of the knitted chairs, my son recently got from the Home Depot. I am enjoying the scenery and the cool breeze around. Flowers, in the flower bed at the back, giving me smile to make my day.  It is 8.30, time to go to my room, to be with my computer, to browse my Facebook messages, after that, I will be getting ready to go to work, to play Darts. I will be back at 12.30.  Yesterday my club organized Pot luck for we seniors. Not everyone participated. I was there. I try to go, whenever I can, to make my day. Some people cooked to bring dishes of their choice from home. Some pitched money. It was five dollars per person. Idea to plan events, has to be enjoyment, not to feel a burden, contributing heavy amount. Many people preferred to contribute money to get food from outs

Small Brown Bird is my new Friend

  Beautiful morning sunny and bright. Sun is shining up and above, in full bloom. I am sitting on one of the knitted chairs, enjoying my morning tea at my Deck. My son did lawn mowing last evening, I am enjoying the feel, the Fragrance of the freshly cut grass.  Deep Red, Rose Pink and Purple Hydrangea, all smiling in the flower bed at the back of my garden. One small Dark brown bird with light brown breast, is busy with her morning walk, enjoying her snacks too. She doesn't mind, sitting me nearby. I think, she started taking me as one of her friends. Lucky me. My friend, the Black Squirrel is busy with his workouts on the wooden fence of my garden. It looks to me that, he started some new techniques, to shape up his body. He is mixing running with jumps in between. He looks quite conscious of his body. Smart Guy. I think, he knows that healthy body leads to healthy minds. So true. It is 10.15, I am sitting in my room with my computer. Everyone left to work and school. I am sittin

Tenants are back in Twin Towers

  Beautiful morning. Weather is great. It is a nice day. I can't see any car on my driveway. My grandson, the middle one,  Master Golden  takes the Black Lexus, to his work. My son has taken the white SUV to his Jury Duty. It is 9.35, I am outside, on front of my house, walking around, waiting for my friend's Red car. My front garden is looking great. Red wooden bench on the left, shining under the sun. Two baskets full of red and white flowers, hanging on tree, in the center, is giving color to my garden. These baskets are new additions, my son got last week, from the Costco Garden centre. The "Twin Towers", I mean the two tall trees looking great, full of green, full of life, on the front yard of my next door neighbor. I can hear birds, having chit chat, calling each other from their apartments. I think, lots of tenants are back in Twin Towers. I am working part time today, going to play Darts from 10 to 12, will be back around 12.20. My friend  will be coming to pi

I am Enjoying Making My Day

  It is 9.15, Cloudy morning, raining since last night, will be all day. I am done with my breakfast, with my oatmeal porridge and stir fried egg. Now enjoying my morning cup of tea, sitting in my room. My computer is switched on, ready to take me to the places, I love to go and to connect with the people of my choice. What a friend He is.  My window blinds are drawn up. I am enjoying the beautiful scenic view of outside. Grass is lush green. Magnolia tree is full of green, full of life. Red wooden bench is looking great on the left of my garden. Red flowers basket, on top of the wooden bench, is giving color, making atmosphere brighter. My son got it, couple of days back, from the Costco Garden Centre. It looks misty with hazy, overcast sky. Not a good day to go for walk. We have to be careful with our health and safety, specially at our age. Not a good idea to be a burden to our kids. They are already busy with work and with their own family matters. Let them enjoy their own life. My

My Friend White Butterfly is Back

  Great sunny bright day. Beautiful morning. It is 8.45, I am done with my breakfast. My Daughters making a group call from Grimsby, Kent and Reading. All three enjoying their vacation period, will be going back to work, next week. For now they are  making plans for  a get together, to eat out,  keeping me in the loop. I am far away, sitting here in Canada, still enjoying and getting  happiness out of that.  Feeling great that they are connected and their kids are getting along too. They all are looking forward to enjoy time together. It is a great feel for me, being Mom. It is 10.30, my body still not fully awake. I think I have to go for a shower, to wake her up. My back is also not in good condition. I will take a hot water bath. It will be fine. Last night, I went to a wedding, was back very late around 1.15 in the morning. It was my niece daughter's wedding. My son has to drive my brother and my sister in law, back to their place, to Whitby. It took long. Sometimes things happ