
Showing posts from April, 2020

How Come I Didn't Know That

Thursday -- Cloudy cold rainy morning 7 C, it is 9.30, I am done  with  downstairs. I mean done with my breakfast, watching News  Headlines  and  enjoying  the view of my back garden.  Rain drops looks amazing, on the glass top of my garden table. This table plays an important part in my life. It helps me to figure  out the  weather  condition, to plan my day  accordingly.  When it is raining, it gives me report, whether it is just a drizzle or  heavy.  In winter time, I can see how much snow is there, on the glass  top of my  garden table. It helps me to choose my  jacket, to go for my  walks and  for my work. It is 11.30, I am in my room with my computer. Beautiful view from  my window. It is not heavy rain. I opened my window, not a single  person around. I can feel the breeze also hear the soft murmur of trees.  I think, Plants also communicate. We, being loud, can't hear  their  soft  voice. Nowadays, we Human have taken back seat, because

Don't Wait for Tomorrow

Wednesday -- Cloudy cold morning 5 C, rain on the way. It is 9.15, I am done with my breakfast, sitting in TV lounge.  My son is busy  with  his computer. News channel giving  Virus  updates.  I am watching  through the big glass window, in front. I  can't see any  activity in  my back garden. It looks windy. The pear skeleton on the left is shaking.  I think shivering, feeling cold. No leaves on it's body.  The blue trampoline, in the center, looks composed, facing everything,  with courage and patience. No birds, no Black Squirrel. All staying home,  may be  in bed. I think, it is early, to get out. It is 10.15, I am in my room, with my computer, talking to my daughters. April is nearly done. May 2nd will be my Birthday. I will be one year older. Already old enough. One more year will be going down the drain. At this age, we don't know, we have to celebrate, or just let it go.  I mean,  have to take it like any other day. When I talke

Change is Beauty of Life

Tuesday -- Cloudy cold morning, rain on the way 3 C now. It is 9.30,  I am  done with my breakfast, already enjoyed my morning tea, sitting now  in the TV lounge. News looks the same, no change.  Nothing  to watch in my  back  garden. It is very quiet there too.  I enjoyed my back garden view, so often. Nothing wrong, if there is nothing  to watch, to enjoy today. I am fine no complaints. We have to count good  days and  have to ignore the rest. Face and tackle, whatever is there  with  patience and grace. Ups and downs, are beauty of life. It imparts flavor and excitement. Adds up shades and  colors,  beautify the canvas of  our life, transforms it into  Rainbow. Change is the essence of life. We value things, we know  next moment, will not be the same,  will be something different. Present is everything.  Value whatever is there. Future, we don't know, what will be the next. Enjoy your moments in hand. My eldest grandson is in London today. He h

I am in Downtown Toronto

Monday -- Bright beautiful cold sunny morning. It is 8.30, 4 C . I am  going  downstairs to prepare my breakfast. I take oatmeal porridge and  stir fried  egg  with a cup of tea. Spend some time in the  TV lounge,  to  watch  News and to enjoy the view of my back garden. After that I come to my room to be with my computer. It takes  me to  places, where I can connect with my family and friends. My youngest  daughter is in school, working online. She will call me later, after 3.30,  will be 10.30, my time in Toronto. My middle daughter called me from Grimbsy. She was in London, to visit  her in law uncle. He is diagnosed with pancreas cancer.  Not in good shape.  She came last night, was busy with her Assignments. Her Exams are in June. Today my plan is to do my hair color. I jot down things on my table  calendar, to keep track. Usually I color my hair, once a month. I know,  nowadays, no  visitors and nowhere to go. I am just walking around my  neighb

I Love My Garden Table

Sunday -- Cloudy cold rainy morning. It is 7 C, today, I see lots of activity in my  back garden. Couple of birds playing around. The Black Squirrel  busy doing  his exercises on the wooden fence. He takes it as his personal  Gym. I noticed some green color on the skeleton body of the pear tree. I think  this is sign of  revival of life. It is cloudy but now, sun trying to pop  up.  It is not heavy rain, just a drizzle.  The glass top of my garden  table,  plays an important role in  my  life.  It works for me like an apparatus, to evaluate the weather report.  How much rain is there. Is it drizzle or heavy. I can figure out all that.  It  helps me  to plan my day  accordingly.  It is 9.30, I am sitting in the TV lounge, enjoying my morning tea and the  view of my back garden. News Channel is on like usual. My son planning  to get groceries. It is early, so he thinks, it will be good time to go, not many  people will be there.  I am not going. We

Start Celebrations Spring is here

Saturday -- Beautiful bright sunny morning 7 C. No rain no snow, looks great.  After such a long time,   I wont need my gloves and  my maroon  sweater.   My son  is planning to do  the front garden.  I will  walk on  my  driveway, to  give him company. For couple of days, I am not using my shoes because of my right foot  problem. Walk on the Driveway,  to do my thirty  minutes  walk and to  top  up my step count. When things start looking difficult to handle,  we have  to find  alternate  solution. I believe, when  there  is will,  there is  always a way. I t is 9.30, I have to do my laundry. Not much, just one small load of my  clothes.  It is  10.15, done with my laundry. Now enjoying morning  tea  and  watching National Geographic documentary. I already watched  the News.  We have to do that, specially nowadays, it is important. My daughters called me from Kent, Reading and from Grimsby. They  all were busy with their evening things. Day is nearly

Plan Your Day Like Ritual

Friday -- Cloudy cold morning rain on the way 2 C now. I am done  with  my breakfast, enjoying my morning tea.Very quiet morning.  I checked my back garden and after that came to my room to have  a view  of my front garden. Same here. No birds, no Black Squirrel.  I think, it is early, everyone must be in bed or staying  home, following  Directives.  Most of the birds must be stuck  at South of the Border,  because of Travel Advisory.They will be back,  just matter of couple  of more weeks.Things be back to normal. Last night was not bad for me. My right foot will take some time to be  back to normal. Nerves of my left side, started giving problem. With my seventy four year old machinery. What you expect. Every part  needs  repair,  some denting painting.We have to deal with all that. These are  usual matters at our age. Yesterday, my son was busy so I missed my trip to lake. I was busy too,  with  my kitchen, doing three loads of my laundry and wi

We can Do It

Thursday -- Bright sunny cold morning with 2 C below zero. It is 9.30,  I am done with my breakfast, sitting in the TV lounge. News channel is  on.  After  a while,  I will switch to watch something else, to distract myself.  For now listening to the News. We have to be aware of, what is going  on,  around  the world.This is important too. Yesterday I planned to wash  my two  comforters. I use two, not one heavy one. At our  age,  difficult  to handle heavy stuff. I also have to wash and change my bed sheets. It will take couple of hours. I started before having breakfast. It will  be  done by 12, I think. Let's see.We have to keep our day plan handy. I plan my day, day before.  I keep on giving assignments to myself. Looks to me that I am busy,  still  at work,  not retired. We have to keep on distracting ourselves.  It  helps   to stay  positive.  TV is on, I am looking at my back garden.  It is very quiet there.  No birds, not my friend, th

My Check Marks My Flag Poles

Wednesday -- Bright beautiful cold sunny morning. It is 8 C below zero. Not looks windy through my bedroom window. Nowadays I started getting  up early. It is 9.15, I am done with my breakfast, sitting in TV lounge. News Channel is on, Nothing good to watch, to listen. I watched for a while, then switched the channel to old TV shows, of my times. I am watching  "Andy Griffith". It looks now, nothing to worry about. Everything is fine.  Sometimes, we have to trick ourselves, to feel good. Nothing wrong with  that.  it is important to take steps,  to stay  on positive  track. Specially, at this time, no change in scenery, everyone staying home.  It is very demanding situation. Everyone stuck .  No where to go. Just  walking  around the streets, trying to get busy. Kids and Teens,  not  used  to it. They don't go for walks.They go to  Eateries, to  hangout . Now they are stuck.  We elders, we  seniors,  have responsibility  to maintain harmo

My Private Territory

It is Tuesday, garbage day at our place. Everything changed but this is the  same, like before Virus time. We have to salute front line workers. Putting  their  lives at risk, trying to run things smoothly for we citizens.  Something drastic happened in our country yesterday. No one knows, what was the motive behind killing so many people, in a small town, of  hundred  people. Nova Scotia, is a beautiful province in Eastern Canada. Our heart  are with the people there. It is a beautiful sunny cold morning 5 C below zero, windy, gusts 40 km. It was raining all night so everything looks great after morning shower. I am done with my breakfast, sitting in the TV lounge.  Watching News and also trying to distract myself, looking at the view  of my back garden, through the big glass panels, in front. Not much  activity there. I can't see any bird. Black Squirrel is also not there.  I think everyone following the directives, staying home. Pear skelet

Tug of War Between Mind and Body

Monday - Everyone working from home. Kids not going  to school.  Every day looks same, like weekend. It is difficult to track  days.  On Mondays, I used to work part time, playing only Darts,  no Carpet  Bowling.  Not anymore. Everything used to be  routine,  now changed. It is total different scenario. We are experiencing an era of  staying  home.  We are not used to it. Looks very demanding,  everyone is home  so  needs lots  of patience.Tough for every body, specially for seniors.  At our age, we start losing control on our patience. Our nerves not strong  enough, to handle any change and to coordinate with people around. We  take all this as power struggle, to prove our identity, our personality. Too much work, too demanding. We feel, we can't cope with adjustments. Start feeling lot of  pressure. Looks, we are losing our ground, our base, our head of family status. We are not ready to face all this. With self pity and pressure, we take  back

I am in the same boat

Sunday -- Mixed sunny cloudy cold morning with 2 C, rain on the way. This is April. What you expect, April showers, May flowers.  Let's see.  Hope for the good. For now, I see only green, around. Magnolia  tree on  the left, of my front garden, looks beautiful. It is always the first one, to announce, that spring is just around the corner. It is 7.30, I am up, out of my bed, everyone else is sleeping so I am not going  downstairs for my breakfast. I am staying in my room  with my computer. In the morning, I do some light stretching exercise, not much, just for five  minutes, to revive my body, to get it ready to face my day. I know, I am not an iron lady. My body carrying seventy five  year old  machinery.  I have to do everything to keep it running. I keep on  oiling  it with positive thoughts but needs physical ignitions too,  to move on. I looked through my bed room window, it already started raining and  is windy. It means, my walk is done for t

Be Careful to Choose Your Words

Saturday -- Sunny bright beautiful morning with 4 C. Not below zero. That is enough to celebrate for we Canadians. I changed my schedule,  now getting up early. It is 8.30, I am done with my breakfast, enjoying  morning tea, sitting in the TV lounge, watching "Roman Holiday".  Life is Good, no complaints. This is weekend, my laundry day. I put my clothes into washer, before having my breakfast. I like it to be done in the morning.  I am  enjoying the movie and also enjoying my back garden view.  I see couple  of birds around the pear skeleton tree. I think, they are playing  hide and seek. I am worried about my friend, the Black Squirrel.  He is not there. I miss him. I am not a TV person, after a while,  will go to my room, to be with  my computer, to browse Facebook messages.Talk to my  daughters and will make some calls. I have to go for my walk too.  I made banana shake for my son and for myself,  will make something  nice  for  my

I Love My Computer

Friday -- Cold, mixed sunny and cloudy morning, 2 C below zero. I changed  my  schedule today. It is 8.15 I am up, out of bed. Done with my breakfast,  enjoying  my tea, sitting in the TV lounge, watching News channel. Nothing  good is there, but we have to watch, to be connected with,  what is going  on,  all around the  world. I am looking through the big glass panels,  in front,  to distract myself. Trying to enjoy the view of my back garden. It is very quiet there. No birds, no Black Squirrel. I think, everyone watching News, trying to follow social distancing directives. Everyone staying home. Nowadays, we don't have any visitor, nowhere to go. Just going for  walks,  keeping distance from everyone around. I can't  see anyone.  I think,  all staying home.  I know, it looks depressive. But keep in mind that, there  is always  light  at  the end of tunnel.Things will change. " This Too Shall Pass ". Till then, we have to focus

Beauty of Life

Thursday -- Cloudy cold morning with 4 C below zero. Predictions are, of snow  and flurries. It is 10.40, I woke up late, now having my breakfast.  Sometimes  things  start happening at our age. This is old age saga,  my dear.  Nothing  to worry about. Weather looks good, I mean not windy, no snow yet but my body is not  ready  to go for walk. We have to listen to our mind and also to our body  too. Don't  have to push them hard otherwise, they will start going in their  own way. In that case, there will  be a chaos. While making plans, we have to take  things and people  around,  into  account. Specially, at our age, I mean for we seniors, it is very important  to coordinate with the family, we live with.  Most of we seniors live with our kids. Living with family is challenging  for  everyone in the household, not only for we seniors. It needs lots of  coordination and cooperation from everyone.  Listen to  them and  try  to put smile on the faces

Faucets of Happiness

Wednesday -- It is snowing, looks beautiful with flurries all around.Trees  giving great look with white cottony flowers. It is sunny and bright. This  added the  beauty of the view. I am having my breakfast, enjoying the  beautiful atmosphere.  I told you sun doesn't mean anything here in Canada. It is 5 C below zero. I think sun comes out to give moral support to we Canadians. It is 10.30,  I am enjoying my morning tea, watching "Andy Griffith" show. I think, these old TV shows, give the picture of my era, so I enjoy that. It is 11.15, I am in my room, with my computer, browsing Facebook  messages. My daughters just called. Nothing important. We talk every  day to connect. It is 22 C, at their place. They are sitting in their back  gardens, to enjoy their summer. It is 11.30, I looked out of my bedroom window, to have a view of my front  garden. It is quiet,  snowing stopped, became cloudy now, rain is on the way.  I better have to

God always there to watch over His Creatures

Dear Readers, I am not getting your comments, may be because of Glitch.  I don't know what to write, what to advise.  Hope things are fine by now.  God is always there, to watch  over His Creatures.  Keep that in mind.  I will keep on praying for you people, anyway. Tuesday -- Bright sunny morning with 2 C below zero. It is 10.30, I am  done  with my breakfast, enjoying my morning tea, sitting in the TV lounge,  watching  Headline News. My son is working, busy with his computer  and  his meetings.  It is 11.15, I am in my room with my computer, going through my Facebook  messages. My youngest daughter called me from Reading. She was busy  with dinner preparations. H er day is nearly done. She is in  different  time zone, five hours ahead, of time in Toronto. My middle daughter also called. She lives in Grimsy. She was busy with  her  assignments. Her exams are in June.  I was planning to go to England.  I go every year for couple of months, to  spe

I Miss Your Calls Mom

Monday -- Cold cloudy windy morning with 74 km gusts, rain on the way. It is 10.30, I am enjoying my morning tea and watching Andy Griffith.  These  are old rerun shows. I watched many times, still like it. Monday is also closed, it is still long weekend. My son is not off, he is  working,  busy with his computer. It looks, not raining now, I have to  get  ready to go for my walk. I will have my winter coat, just in case,  may be too cold. It is 11.25, I am outside, enjoying the view of my neighborhood. It is too  quiet.  couple of birds calling me, from "Twin Tower apartments", I mean  from the  two tall trees, of my next door neighbor's garden.  I think, because  of Virus,  Real State business  is down, not all the apartments rented out. My front garden looking great with lush green grass. Magnolia tree, on  the  left, is back to life, started budding. In couple of weeks, I will see the  beautiful flowers around. I like Magnolia tree. It

Please God Help Them Out

Sunday -- Cloudy cold morning with 4 C. Today I have to do one load of  laundry and will change my bed sheets. It is 10.30, my laundry is in washer,  I am sitting in the TV lounge, enjoying morning tea.  I watched News Headlines. After that my son,  changed the channel,  we  are now  watching some of the repeat  sports highlights. My Scrabble and  Sudoku books  are lying beside me, but I am not doing that. When you are not getting the real enjoy, the real happiness, you can not  focus on things. I keep on trying to push myself to do things. Sometimes  I succeed, sometimes not. I am Human too. I was not getting Comments from my Readers, I think because of Glitch.  I got some  comments today, not good News from my friends.  Sometimes  ignorance happens to be better choice. I am not happy to know, what is  going on. My friend, the Smile Corner Manager, from Ireland,  gave me the News  that, his Coffee shop will be shut down. People were  not following

Life is Good

Saturday --  Cold mixed cloudy sunny morning with 1 C. It is 10.30,  I am done with my breakfast. My laundry is in Dryer, it will  be  done  in 10 minutes.  I start doing my laundry, first thing in  the  morning.  I don't want to stuck with that, I have  other plans  for my day. This is long weekend. Friday was also closed and so will be Monday.  I remember couple of weeks back, this used to matter, a lot to me and  to my other club members. We never liked these long weekends. No one  wanted  to miss, playing Darts and Carpet Bowling.  Due to lock down situation, it is different scenario, nowadays. Anyway,  whatever there, is there. We have to take it. I know, no one like to change  his routine,  specially, for we seniors, not easy to accept and coordinate.  I believe that change is inevitable for life.  It is beauty of life.  Change keeps on giving us, variety in the canvas of our lives. So many of my club members, not able to continue their activit

Glass Half Full Not Half Empty

I wish Happy Easter to my  Dear Readers Friday -- Beautiful cold bright sunny morning 4 C below zero windy gusts 62 km. It is 10.30, I am done with my breakfast, enjoying morning tea, sitting in the TV lounge. News channel is on. Things not looking good. But we have to focus on one day at a time. Just get busy with the moments in hand. Past is done, we can not turn the  page. Tomorrow, we never know. Plan your day, don't worry about the  matters, not in your hand.Take it easy. Don't try to be hard on yourselves. We have to be aware of, what's going on, around the world. But focus on  one  day at a time. We  don't have to start thinking about  the bleak picture.  Think positive. Stay away from  thinking negative.Try to live in day tight  compartment, to be away  from negative thoughts. I already have my day plan ready for today. I always keep in mind couple  of  extra things  so that I can switch that to the next day and after. Like  I

Who Cares about Sleepless Nights

Thursday --- Bright beautiful cold mixed sunny cloudy morning with zero   degree. I know it is April but this is Canada, my Dear. No complaints. We Canadians know how to handle. Just bring it on, whatever is there. It is 10.30 in the morning. I didn't have good sleep last night. My body is  not fully cooperating with me. Things happen at our age. We don't have  to panic, don't have to be grumpy and yell at the people around. This is  nobody's fault. This is old  age saga. We have to face with grace, with dignity. My  mind  is also not in good shape. When we don't sleep well, mind gets tired. We have to take everything into account to deal with our day plans. We have to push ourselves, to get busy, to get involved with the things,  we  like to enjoy, to do, to carry on. First thing, came to my mind, to go  into my  kitchen, my refuge, my territory, to enjoy, to get busy. My eldest grandson has his appointment for his fracture fol

Let Them to Make Their Dreams Come True

Wednesday -- Cold, mixed sunny cloudy morning with 5 C. Looks, it was  raining last night. Everything looking great after shower. Beautiful  atmosphere. It is 10.45, I am done with my breakfast. Enjoying morning  tea, sitting in the TV  lounge. News Channel is on. Nothing good to watch.  But we  have to be aware  of, with what's going around the world. It is  important. Nowadays, I am not doing my Scrabble and Sudoku books. No time for  that.  I have  to focus, while TV is on, no distractions. I am looking through  the glass  panel to connect with my back garden, anyway. My friends are  there.  I have to know, what is going on there. It is 11.30, I am in my room, with my computer, browsing Facebook  messages. My eldest grandson is having his online exams, today. The middle  one,  Master Golden is also has his exams. He is in the first year of his Uni.  He is  doing degree in Computer Engineering. Time flies. After couple of years, they will be gon

Is Lock Down an Opportunity ??

Tuesday --- Beautiful day. Bright mixed sunny cloudy morning. I can see  birds  and squirrel walking around in my back garden. Strictly following  social distancing. They adjusted themselves with, what is going around.  I am happy to see that all of my friends are now out of quarantine. Black Squirrel is busy with his exercises on the wooden fence. Pear tree, on the left, looks like an skeleton, is happy, to  see  them  around.  Grass  is back to it's lush green color. Blue Trampoline  shining  under  the sun.  Such a beautiful scenic view to behold. Thank You God   for making our  days brighter. It is 11.15, I am in the TV lounge, watching movie. It is in black and white,  must  be old one. My son is busy with his computer, with his work. He just  keeps TV  channels on, in the background. It is,  "Coach Carter", a true  story, good movie. I didn't watch the whole thing. It was about to finish.  I am not a TV person, can not sit for ho