Faucets of Happiness

Wednesday -- It is snowing, looks beautiful with flurries all around.Trees
giving great look with white cottony flowers. It is sunny and bright. This
added the beauty of the view. I am having my breakfast, enjoying the
beautiful atmosphere.
I told you sun doesn't mean anything here in Canada. It is 5 C below zero.
I think sun comes out to give moral support to we Canadians. It is 10.30,
I am enjoying my morning tea, watching "Andy Griffith" show. I think,
these old TV shows, give the picture of my era, so I enjoy that.
It is 11.15, I am in my room, with my computer, browsing Facebook
messages. My daughters just called. Nothing important. We talk every
day to connect. It is 22 C, at their place. They are sitting in their back
gardens, to enjoy their summer.
It is 11.30, I looked out of my bedroom window, to have a view of my front
garden. It is quiet, snowing stopped, became cloudy now, rain is on the way.
I better have to get ready to go for my walk, before it starts raining.
I am walking around my neighborhood streets. It started snowing again.
I am prepared, wearing my hooded winter coat, nothing to worry about.
I see small hails, like crystals. I live here, in Canada for so long still
can not figure out, how many types of snow are there.
Some birds are walking around. I can't see my friend, the Black Squirrel.
I hope, he will be fine, not got sick again. I will pray for him. I can't see
anyone walking around. It is very quiet here. I am checking my watch.
I try to walk for about 30 to 35 minutes.
With my steps, it is not long walk. I keep checking my steps, many times,
during the day and also before going to bed. I have steps count App. on my
cell phone. My average is eight thousand, but sometimes cross ten thousand.
We have to do things, to feel good, to get happiness. I believe, if we try
to look, try to focus, we can find happiness from so many things around.
I take these things like Faucets of happiness. We have to drain every drop
from all these faucets.
To do things for others. To make calls, to share people's difficult moments
of their lives. To make All Creatures Big and Small, happy. I mean, to feed
birds. To water plants, anything which imparts happiness in their lives.
To do things for our own selves, to make ourselves happy.
After all, we are also one of the Creatures of God. We have obligation
to find opportunities, to give happiness to our own self. I take all these,
as Faucets of happiness.
It is 12.15, I am just back from my walk, had shower, now going to my
kitchen. I will make banana shakes for my son and for myself. My eldest
grandson is about to awake, I will make omelette and coffee for him.
I already posted my Recipe Blog. I do that every Wednesday. I have to
make some calls, to my brother, to my sister in law and couple of my
friends. I will also call, some of my club members. They live alone, need
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