Is Lock Down an Opportunity ??

Tuesday --- Beautiful day. Bright mixed sunny cloudy morning. I can see
birds and squirrel walking around in my back garden. Strictly following
social distancing. They adjusted themselves with, what is going around.
I am happy to see that all of my friends are now out of quarantine.
Black Squirrel is busy with his exercises on the wooden fence. Pear tree,
on the left, looks like an skeleton, is happy, to see them around. Grass
is back to it's lush green color. Blue Trampoline shining under the sun.
Such a beautiful scenic view to behold. Thank You God for making our
days brighter.
It is 11.15, I am in the TV lounge, watching movie. It is in black and white,
must be old one. My son is busy with his computer, with his work. He just
keeps TV channels on, in the background. It is, "Coach Carter", a true
story, good movie. I didn't watch the whole thing. It was about to finish.
I am not a TV person, can not sit for hours before TV set, to watch the
I am done with my morning things, with my breakfast and sitting in the
TV lounge. I watch whatever is already there. I don't switch channels.
I sit there to spend time with my my son and to connect with what is
going on, in my back garden. That is my objective.
It is 11.45, I am getting ready for my walk. We are allowed to go out but
have to follow social distance. I changed my route. I go around the streets
of my neighborhood. It is quiet and no one is there.
I changed my schedule too. I go to bed after 1.30 and get out of my bed,
after 10, in the morning. It is working for me. My grandsons wake up late.
They are busy playing Video games at night. When they will be awake,
I will be there for them. I don't go to bed, in day time.
It is quite a different atmosphere nowadays. Everything is under lock down.
We don't have places to go out, to enjoy our time.Things are on hold. We,
just have to walk around, keeping our distance.
It looks depressive but if we try to be flexible, try to adjust ourselves with
the situation, things wont be looking gloomy. Try to think differently.Take
this lock down period as an opportunity. Focus on your own self. Try to
get busy with the things, you never had time to do before. You will start
enjoying tour life.Trust me.
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