I Miss Your Calls Mom
Monday -- Cold cloudy windy morning with 74 km gusts, rain on the way.
It is 10.30, I am enjoying my morning tea and watching Andy Griffith.
These are old rerun shows. I watched many times, still like it.
Monday is also closed, it is still long weekend. My son is not off, he is
working, busy with his computer. It looks, not raining now, I have to
get ready to go for my walk. I will have my winter coat, just in case,
may be too cold.
It is 11.25, I am outside, enjoying the view of my neighborhood. It is too
quiet. couple of birds calling me, from "Twin Tower apartments", I mean
from the two tall trees, of my next door neighbor's garden. I think, because
of Virus, Real State business is down, not all the apartments rented out.
My front garden looking great with lush green grass. Magnolia tree, on
the left, is back to life, started budding. In couple of weeks, I will see the
beautiful flowers around. I like Magnolia tree. It is the first one to
announce, that Spring is just around the corner. Get ready to celebrate.
I see all the green around but no color, I mean can't see any flower.
I think, it is early for flowers. April shower, May flower. It is drizzling,
I am walking near my house, on the driveway and around. Not going far.
I start thinking about my childhood time. Whenever I was outside in the
rain, my Mom used to call me right away," Come inside, you will get sick".
Those calls, were never welcome calls. I used to get irritated, that time.
Now, no one is there to stop me from doing my things. I am on my own
to do things, I want. I am free to go wherever, I want to go. I wish, I could
hear your calls Mom, shouting at me, getting mad at me, for not listening
to you. I miss your calls Mom. Love you Mom.
Dear Readers, because of Glitch, I am not getting your comments.
I am worried about you. Until I start getting comments,I don't know
what to write, can't give you any advice. I wish things are getting
better by now. I keep on praying for you people.
I am happy for you Hannah, my friend, my daughter.
Take your time to get back to your normal day routine
matters. Love you and Niklas.
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