Tug of War Between Mind and Body

Monday - Everyone working from home. Kids not going to school.
Every day looks same, like weekend. It is difficult to track days.
On Mondays, I used to work part time, playing only Darts,
no Carpet Bowling. Not anymore. Everything used to be
routine, now changed.
It is total different scenario. We are experiencing an era of staying
home. We are not used to it. Looks very demanding, everyone is home
so needs lots of patience.Tough for every body, specially for seniors.
At our age, we start losing control on our patience. Our nerves not strong
enough, to handle any change and to coordinate with people around.
We take all this as power struggle, to prove our identity, our personality.
Too much work, too demanding.
We feel, we can't cope with adjustments. Start feeling lot of pressure.
Looks, we are losing our ground, our base, our head of family status.
We are not ready to face all this. With self pity and pressure, we take
back seat, feeling neglected.
My Dear friends, life is an struggle, but don't take it like power struggle.
This is an struggle, to do more, in our life.To make our time on this
earth, useful. To stay away from making peoples lives miserable.
To put smile on the faces of people around.
For everyone, life is a trail with bushes around. We have to struggle
to find our way, to pick flowers of happiness from all around. Don't
take life as clash between personalities.
Life is an struggle, fight of our own personality. We have to push
ourselves away from thinking negative, from going on wrong track.
Track of negative thoughts. That will be disaster not only for us but
for everyone else around.
Negative thoughts are killer, act like poison, will lead us towards
depression. We have to stop it, before it is too late and our health
will be at stake too.
Life is like tug of war between our mind and our body.
Our mind has to push our body, all the time, to keep it
into the direction, leading to positives.
My Dear, it is not so complicated, just get busy, to do things,
to live in day tight compartment. Leave no time for thinking
negative.That's all.
I have to go to my kitchen, to make banana shake for my son,
my eldest grandson and of course for my own self. Never forget
to treat yourself. It helps to stay positive.
I have to make some calls, will go for my walk. Weather is great sunny
bright, cold with 5 C below zero. I try to meet my 30 minutes target for
my walks. Rain or shine, doesn't matter. we have to push ourselves
to get out and to move around.
It is 12.30, I am at Petticoat Creek. Water looking beautiful with shades
of Black, Grey, Blue and Sparkling Silver at the near end. Sea gulls are
there, enjoying the scenic view. Not many people around, just couple
of them walking around.
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