Be Careful to Choose Your Words

Saturday -- Sunny bright beautiful morning with 4 C. Not below zero.
That is enough to celebrate for we Canadians. I changed my schedule,
now getting up early. It is 8.30, I am done with my breakfast, enjoying
morning tea, sitting in the TV lounge, watching "Roman Holiday".
Life is Good, no complaints.
This is weekend, my laundry day. I put my clothes into washer,
before having my breakfast. I like it to be done in the morning.
I am enjoying the movie and also enjoying my back garden view.
I see couple of birds around the pear skeleton tree. I think, they are
playing hide and seek. I am worried about my friend, the Black Squirrel.
He is not there. I miss him.
I am not a TV person, after a while, will go to my room, to be with
my computer, to browse Facebook messages.Talk to my daughters
and will make some calls. I have to go for my walk too.
I made banana shake for my son and for myself, will make something
nice for my eldest grandson, when he be awake. I like to do things for
my family, to make them happy. Get happiness in return. What goes
around comes back to you.
My friends you people must be thinking why I write Bright beautiful
morning every day, to start my Blogs. My Dear, we have to avoid using
negatives, in our speech. Specially when we are writing, we have to be
very careful. We have to choose our words, to give positive messages.
Keep in mind, what we write are like prints, faxed to our brain, to be
delivered to our body. I mean our brain directs our body to act in the
direction of that message. Negative messages will never result into
positive actions.
Dear Readers, after long time I got some comments. Not from everyone.
I think it because of Glitch, your comments are blocked most of the times.
Dear Smile Cafe manager, I am happy for you, my friends in Ireland.
I am thankful to my friend, the Councilor for helping to sort things out.
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