Life is Good

Saturday -- Cold mixed cloudy sunny morning with 1 C. It is 10.30,
I am done with my breakfast. My laundry is in Dryer, it will be done
in 10 minutes. I start doing my laundry, first thing in the morning.
I don't want to stuck with that, I have other plans for my day.
This is long weekend. Friday was also closed and so will be Monday.
I remember couple of weeks back, this used to matter, a lot to me and
to my other club members. We never liked these long weekends. No one
wanted to miss, playing Darts and Carpet Bowling.
Due to lock down situation, it is different scenario, nowadays. Anyway,
whatever there, is there. We have to take it. I know, no one like to change
his routine, specially, for we seniors, not easy to accept and coordinate.
I believe that change is inevitable for life. It is beauty of life.
Change keeps on giving us, variety in the canvas of our lives.
So many of my club members, not able to continue their activities,
because of health reasons and age factor. They are not with us,
anymore. Some staying home, some sold their houses to shift
in retirement homes.
My Dear, this is life, it goes on changing, minute by minute. We have
to realize and admit that, this is the reality of life. We have to be prepared,
to make changes in our life style, in our day to day routine. What we
can do today, may not be possible to handle, in years to come.
Nothing to be scared of. Take it easy, handle, and coordinate with the
existing circumstances. Go with, what is around, taking your health
into account.
We have to push ourselves, to do things but don't be hard on yourselves.
Everyone knows, it's own breaking point. Try to avoid that. Emotional
breaking point imparts more damage, than physical ones.
First we have to deal with our emotional breaking point.That is in our
control.Try to get busy. Find things to do, to distract yourselves from
thinking negative.This will push our mind, to go into positive direction
and to handle our emotional breaking point.
After doing that, nothing to worry about. Our mind, will take care of
everything. It will be our manager, will take steps, to direct our body
to take positive actions.
We start having a different outlook of things around.
World, now looks beautiful place to live in and we start
believing that life is good.
ReplyDeleteI have been issued the final notice to shut down Smile Corner after the final hearing yesterday. I explained to the government official that a few days ago, I posted your blog in the Smile Corner. My plan was to maintain social distancing and have people line up outside but as soon as the word got out that your blog is posted, a lot of people rushed in. They even shoved the security guard that was there to control the crowd. The priest however said that the security guard himself was not shoved but he ran in to read the blog himself. I tried to tell you about this and mentioned it in my comments but I think you were busy coordinating coronavirus response in your region so didnt get a chance to advise me. I am not complaining.
ReplyDeleteI read this blog every day. It is my lifeline.
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer . She is an awesome advisor to the students. She is an councillor. She is an awesome dart player. She is an awesome bowler. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read you blog China. I read family
ReplyDeleteI read blog Russia. I no read with family. I read alone and then talk
DeleteI like blog and read in France. I like to read alone because it is good English literature
DeleteI enjoy blog. I no good English but good Spanish
DeleteI enjoy blog Ukraine
DeleteLooks like my mother in law needs to read your blogs more often. The way she bothers me, it looks to me that she is on drugs because there is no way someone can be so lazy.
ReplyDeleteHappy Reader
My daughter in law is very rude. She does not say good morning and does not say hello when I come from outside. She also is a bad cook. I can keep on going but I dont want to say bad things about her
DeleteMother in law of the Happy Reader
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker 2 and say her how you. She say you Madam no write for you again? I say no she may be busy doing search for virus so she no write for any reader now. Job worker 2 say well that too bad but the good thing is that now I can help give you all advice. I say yes. She say did you bring cake for me. I say yes I bring cake and also get your grocerry. She then give me list 2 get more grocery. I ask her what to do about job? She say I am working on plan. I say should I go to job 1 supervisor? She say good idea. Go to his home again and shake his hand again.I said but he was very angry when I did that last time. She say yes but last time he may be in bad mood. I say ok and go. I do 0 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor, the retirees are not reading the blog due to the restrictions being placed. I am hearing reports that some retirees in the residences are having a very difficult time. Also retirees residing with their kids are having challenges with their grandkids.
ReplyDeletethank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteMost of the students are having a really challenging time at our homes. Parents are not understanding of our needs at all. They dont give us privacy. In one case, one parent came to the room after only waiting for 2 mins after the final knock. The parent said that she knocked 5 times but the student has no way to verify that. The student only heard 3 knocks. The parent said that she came in the room after waiting 5 mins and 10 knocks to confirm if he is ok. Parents also get us involved in putting groceries away and other household chores. We hate that. Of course all the monitoring that we have to go through. What next will they do? The way it is going, will it get so bad that they will ask us when our exams are, what time do we go to sleep, how many cokes we are drinking? We know that your grandkids, I mean the Master golden, the lucky guy and Slurpee boy are not going through all this, but for many of us, its a big issue
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say father scare virus because virus bad. Father say Chancellor no allow party. Father get big fine if Chancellor find party. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Me sad because Hannah and Niklas go and no come back. Father get bore and say father miss Niklas because father has no one to make wake up. Father say father no want ring bell because Hannah no there so no come. Me office tell me I need come but me tell them me need care father. Office peeple no happy. OFfice peeple say me need come or they fire, Me say no able do. The say do. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
(Hannah call me from parent home. She say she forget say Happy Easter you and forget say that you take easie. Me say her when she come from parent home but Hannah say she no able because no allow and also why me care because me no come ICU. I say I no come becaue she no call. She say it no point now. I say me wait till virus done. She say no only virus but when Smile say come. Me say me will ask Smile to tell Hannah and tell Niklas come. She say if you say then they will come back from parent home. Hannah gone. Niklas gone. Father sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
DeleteKris (Germany)
Yet another fun blog from Smile.
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Yes her blogs are always a fun read.
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteI guess I am wasting my energy in trying to teach the kids. They will never learn
ReplyDeletethanks mrizvi. Brilliant comment
Thats the spirit, Plunker. Why bang your head against the wall. You already know that we have tried but it is just a waste. Also, Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeletemuch appreciated mrizvi for letting us know that this is a good post