
Showing posts from 2018

Here is 2019 with a Clean Slate

Happy New Year to All My Dear Readers It is Monday cloudy hazy morning with 3 C. It was raining last night.  Everything looking beautiful after shower. Skeleton trees all decorated  with  pearls. Pearls also scattered all around on the grass at my front garden. I am getting ready to go. I am working part time today. It is end of December one more year is going down the drain. Time passing so quickly. We have to value every moment. What is gone never comes back. So much done in the past week. So much to write down for my Dear Readers. On the third Thursday of every month, we have pot luck in our club. We purchased tickets for five dollars to get light snacks, sandwiches,  deserts, coffee and tea.  Gate prizes were also there for tickets, to be called. It was festive  atmosphere.  I enjoyed the music and the people around. The whole  event was for our club members. My friend who was giving me ride home, was leaving early so I left my  ticket with one of

Last Days of the New Year 2018

My apology to all my  Dear Christian Readers for not writing Merry Christmas I made a correction afterwards  in my Blog  We have to respect All Religions It is Wednesday cold cloudy morning, rain is on the way. I am getting ready for my work and also enjoying the scenic view through my bedroom window. Black squirrel is busy getting groceries from my front garden. Yesterday while I was walking to Tim Horton, I saw couple of birds having  chit chat in their apartments. I think they were busy with some family  gathering event.  Here in Toronto weather is bit tricky with so much ups and downs in  day  temperature. I think they get confused because of that and are back  early  from South of the Border. It is 9.30, I am in the library. I am working over time today. Playing Darts  and  Bowling so will be off after 3 pm. But I have to go back to work again  at 6.30 pm for Mayor's Light Tour. Bus is scheduled to pick up people from  the  lib

Beautiful Landscape

Merry Christmas to all My Dear Christian Readers              and Happy Holidays to  Everyone Tuesday hazy cloudy morning with 7 C below zero. Not any chances for sun  to come out. He is hiding somewhere up and above. My Son is away for two days. He is in Montreal. It looks so quiet to me.  He used to be at work, I mean  not home during day times but thinking  of that he is not in the city, is not  the "Feel" I am enjoying any more.  Anyway he will be back by tomorrow night. It is 11.30, I was about to start my shower but changed  my mind, to go for  my walk and shower after. I am all dressed up in layers.  My maroon  sweater  underneath with my long black coat and beautiful  floral  stole of  my Youngest Daughter. I got it from her as a souvenir. It reminds me of the memorable moments, we spent together. It is 11.45, I am walking by Whites Road. It just started  snowing, light snow. It is called flurries. I grabbed my maroon umbrella, it might

Mayor's Light Tour

Monday bright  sunny   beautiful morning  with zero C, not below   zero.  Most of the snow gone by now, still I see so much around.  I am  working part time, no bowling today, playing only darts. Tomorrow my Son will be leaving for Montreal for his office work. He will be back by Wednesday night. I have to find my ride for going to my work.  I work full time on Wednesdays, on top, there is Mayor's Light Tour from  7 pm to 10 pm. I never miss that event. We have to avail every chance to get out. It helps to keep us away from negative thoughts.  I have to find ride for that too. I told you I have people, who will be ready to  give me ride but I don't ask everyone. I mentioned in my earlier Blog that  about half a century back I read a Research paper in Scientific American.  That paper was about the rays emitting from the extremities of we Humans.  These rays play very important role to get along with the people around. I don't know that resea

Time to collect treasures

Beautiful Saturday morning with 8 C below zero. It was snowing last night. Here in Toronto most of the times, snow melts right away. Sometimes in couple of hours, in some cases takes couple of days. Whenever it starts snowing, it changes the whole atmosphere into a land  of wonders. Every time, looks like a total new scenic view to behold.  It gives a blank  medium  to draw anything you like to print. Specially on weekends, no footprints, nothing there, looks like a virgin land  of peace and tranquility.  All skeleton trees, dressed up in beautiful  white  glossy costumes,  ready to celebrate Christmas and New Year festivities. Other plants are also in same mood, bearing white cottony flowers. Blue  trampoline, in my backyard, looks wonderful with milky white net around. There is thick white layer on the top of it's blue base.  Red wooden bench at my front garden, giving a beautiful look with white layer of snow. Grass is all covered, I can see just

Smile Recipes ----- Fried Egg Plant with Meat

To All My Dear Readers Take pot with some cooking oil put it on medium flame  add chopped onion cover the pot for few minutes stir once a while  let onion be yellowish add chopped tomato chopped egg plant cumin seeds couple of whole black pepper Red chili powder and salt  No water added Cover the pot leave on medium flame  for 20 minutes stir once a while.  add precooked meat or chicken pieces leave for 15 more minutes It is done now Enjoy with any type of bread make sandwiches  or rolls or  take it with rice.  Choices are yours my Dear.

White Crust on My Patio Table

I am thankful to all my Dear Readers for their understanding and  cooperation.  It gave me a chance to work on "Story of my life", a project  of Ontario Society of Senior Citizens. Ontario is one of the province of  Canada. I already submitted, it will be decided for publication early next year.  This was possible because of you, my Dear Readers. You allowed me to  work on this project.  Weather is not so cold 5 C below zero. It is like summer here in Canada.  Birds looking beautiful flying in groups, I think leaving for South  of  Border.  I saw Black Squirrel. He comes every morning to get groceries  from my  front garden. Red wooden bench shining in my back garden. Lots of Copper and Bronze  still there, but I can't see any Gold in my backyard. Pear tree giving a look  of skeleton.  It started snowing. Thin white  crust is shining on  the glass top  of my  patio table. I am working full time today, playing Darts and Carpet Bowling too,

Gold stolen from my backyard

It is Sunday morning with drizzle, temp is great. It is zero degree, will be 10 C  in the afternoon.  It is  like summer in Canada. It happens  here  in winter time, for a while temp  goes in  plus, called Indian Summer.  Because of drizzle, the skeleton trees are all decorated with white pearls.  Copper and Bronze is still there in my back garden. Not much Gold  left,  I think it is stolen away.  Black Squirrel busy getting groceries from my front garden. Today my late  husband's niece is coming with her family at my place. I am thinking about  the time of about ten years back, she was having problem with her marriage.  My brother in law called me from back home to go to her place to help her  out. She used to live at Sudbury, eight hours drive from Toronto. I got Grey Hound coach to go there. I stayed with her for couple of days.   Everything is fine now she has two kids. One girl of 13 years and boy  two years.  I am happy for her. In the morn

Smile Recipes ---- Stir Fried Potatoes

To All My Dear Readers Wash and peel potatoes Slice in any size and shape of your choice Take a pot with some cooking oil Put it on medium flame Add some cumin seeds couple of whole black pepper one whole red chili Now add the sliced potatoes add some water Salt and Red chili powder One green chili cover the pot leave on medium flame for 10 minutes Stir and check water It has to be juicy you can add some chopped parsley or green coriander to add color and flavor leave for 2 more minutes It is done now You can add cheese precooked meat /  chicken pieces Sliced tomatoes to add up nutrition Take it with any bread of your choice make rolls or sandwiches or enjoy with rice

Our Inside Windows

It is Wednesday sunny bright beautiful cold morning with 8 C below zero. Snow everywhere. Grass on my front garden is all covered with white  stuff.  Most of the Bronze and Copper on my backyard is now turned into  Silver. Red Caravan on my driveway looking great wrapped under white sheet. Silver Jetta shining out of the silver coating. No squirrel, no  Butterfly, no  rabbit, I think they all will be back by March next year. Neighborhood is all quiet. When outside world is quiet, we have to open up  our inside window. I mean turn to the inside world of yours, the beauty of your own  inner self. There is so much going on there.  We have no time to look into  our inside, our personality, our interests,  our hidden talents. Now we have time to think about, to make "Things to do" List. 1 : Start writing your journal. 2 : Start writing any book, you like to. Not necessary to get it published. 3 : Compile your book of Recipes. Note down whateve

Open Letter to My Readers Family

It is Saturday bright beautiful mixed sunny and cloudy day with 2 C  below zero.  I am done with my breakfast watching TV sports channel is on. Everyone  sleeping, me and my Son are awake. My Son has to go to workshop for his Red Caravan, I will go with him. He can drop me at Tim Horton. I will enjoy my time alone slot. It is 11.30 I am at Coffee House, having my half and half coffee, toasted multigrain  bagel  with butter, writing my Blog. Today I have to discuss couple of things with you, My Dear Readers.  Nowadays I am under lot of pressure. Don't take it wrong, nothing serious. Pressure is from friends of my community and from my Senior Club friends. Everyone asking me to write for their groups. I think they are right.  Couple  of years back I used to write short stories for weekly local papers.  Those stories  were popular in community circle.  They keep on asking me when I will start to write again. They are my  friends  for decades, I think

I am scared

Bright sunny beautiful Friday morning with 2 C below zero,  wet snow is also coming down. My Son has to go early around 8 am this morning.  One of my Friend will drive me to my work place.  I am working full time  today, playing Darts and also Carpet Bowling. I started thinking about my other friends, who used to pick me up. One, who works in Real State, is nowadays in Florida.  She has same date  of birth as of mine. She always brings cake to  celebrate  together.  She goes to Florida every year in winter time. This is  very  common  practice here.  People specially Seniors go to South of Border, to skip Canadian  winter.  They  are called "Snow Birds". My friend is now thinking to sell out  her  condo in Florida. When we are getting old, it is not easy to fly or travel. One of my other friend now stopped coming to our club. She is in her  Eighties.  She used to come to play Darts. Things not easy to handle as we  are getting older.  Time fli

We Human Have Our Moments

Thursday morning with clear sky bright beautiful day 2 C below zero. No snow for now, grass is green. No wind, everything calm and still. I don't work on Thursdays. It is my calls day and do other things.  I will also plan to go for my walk. My middle Daughter who lives in Grimsby England, just called. She is  in different time zone five hours ahead of that in Toronto. She is getting  ready  to go to pick up his son from school. Her day is nearly done. My other Daughters are at work. My Son ready, about to leave for his work. Today is 29th of Nov. Just one month left, and after that one more year will  be going down the drain. Time flies, moments are slipping from our hands.  Same is our life.  We have to value every moment.  I am getting ready to go for my walk. It is 11.15, I am walking by Whites  Road, it is very busy, too much traffic. Walkway is quiet, no one is walking  I am alone but not lonely.  It is cold bit windy too. I forgot to wear my

Smile Recipes ------ Meatballs with Spinach

To All My Dear Readers Take some ground chicken / meat add bread crumbs  chopped parsley  ginger and garlic paste  not much just to add flavor couple of drops of cooking oil salt and pepper Mix everything in a bowl Make small balls you can roll using table spoon Take a pot with some cooking oil put it on stove on medium flame add meatballs No water  Cover the pot for couple of minutes stir once a while  add chopped couple of garlic cloves chopped spinach chopped tomato No water keep stirring add green, yellow and red bell pepper few drops of fresh lemon and zest cover the pot for few minutes Take the lid off stir for a while to check the amount of water  in the pot Not too dry leave some gravy It is ready now you can enjoy with pasta, rice or with any bread of your choice.

Respect everyone's emotions

Today please read My Recipe Blog Too Thank You Tuesday cold bright  morning  mixed sunny with clouds 4 C below zero. Snow on the way. It is quiet like wait and see atmosphere. Everyone left for  work and school, I am sitting on an empty nest with my computer. Today is our green garbage collection day. I can see green and blue bins outside houses. No cars on driveways. People must be at work. I see  sailboat and trailer on the driveway of my next door neighbor. Grass still green on my front garden. Most of the trees are now turned  into  skeletons. I don't work on Tuesdays.  I already planned  my day to get busy. I will make calls, go for my walk and spend  time in the kitchen to  make anything for my dinner table. It is 11.15, I am ready to go, all dressed up in layers with my long black coat, underneath is my maroon color sweater, my sister in law brought me  from  Marks Spencer. My favorite store in England. We don't have any  here in  Toronto

Go Through The Operating System

Monday cloudy rainy day, will rain all day 5 mm will be on the ground in  couple of  hours. Hazy windy morning with gust around 50 km. It reminds  me one of  the mornings in England. England, the land of three of my Daughters. All the beautiful time, I spent  in  their company. So much to remember so many golden moments,  locked  in  my Memory Box, like gold and diamonds, like real treasure. Memory Box is an important part of our body. It is located very close to our  heart.  To open and lock this Box, is very tricky. It needs lots of expertise  and tactics to operate. In Memory Box, there is a recording system with video cameras. We have  to be very careful when to switch it on and when to keep it off the hook. If we mishandle it's operating system and not using the right procedure,  it can backfire and ruin everything.  Our life is a mixed plate. It is like a combo with all the sweet, sour, bitter  and  spicy moments. We have to switch on the vid

There is time for everything

Sunday sunny bright cold quiet morning 3 C Not below zero. Today my Youngest, I mean Slurpee Boy has his time keeping job at Don Beer Hockey Arena at 11 am. My Son will leave at 10.30 to drive him there. I will go with him I try to avail every chance to get out. I already planned to change my  bed sheets and do one load of laundry. It is 8.45 I have enough time  to do all that. I am done with my things, now getting ready to go. It is 10.30  I am on my  way to Hockey Arena. After dropping Slurpee Boy there, My  Son will go  to Costco to get some Groceries. It is 11.15, I am at  Costco  sitting in the food court area. My Son busy with his shopping list, I am writing my Blog and enjoying my time alone slot.  I will walk around to pass my time, after a while. It is 1 pm we have to pick Slurpee Boy from Hockey Arena. He has another  game at 2 pm. We will take him to MC Donald for his favorite Fish fillet  and  fries with coke.  We had to drive him back f

Be A Happy Family

Saturday quiet cold bright mixed sunny and cloudy morning 3 C below zero. Freezing rain and wet snow is on the way. There are 90% chances of that.  It is 10.45  I am  busy with my computer, writing my Blog. My Son left for London Ontario. It is 3 hours away from Pickering. He has  to address the entire forum in Western Uni. He is representing his company  and also  he is the Media Ambassador. It is the same Uni where  25 years back  he used to go on Bike in 30 C below  zero  even around midnight. We had no money, our entire family had to  survive  with just couple hundred of dollars in hand.  My Son is packing so many goodies for My Eldest, who is now in the same  Uni.  I started thinking about the days when I could not buy even one pack  of  chips  and one can of Coke to my Youngest Daughter, her favorites.  Time  flies,  things change, God is Great. Yesterday was a busy day for me. I was working full time so was back from  my work after  3 pm.  From