Change is Beauty of Life

Tuesday -- Cloudy cold morning, rain on the way 3 C now. It is 9.30,
I am done with my breakfast, already enjoyed my morning tea,
sitting now in the TV lounge. News looks the same, no change.
Nothing to watch in my back garden. It is very quiet there too.
I enjoyed my back garden view, so often. Nothing wrong, if there is nothing
to watch, to enjoy today. I am fine no complaints. We have to count good
days and have to ignore the rest. Face and tackle, whatever is there with
patience and grace.
Ups and downs, are beauty of life. It imparts flavor and excitement.
Adds up shades and colors, beautify the canvas of our life, transforms
it into Rainbow.
Change is the essence of life. We value things, we know next moment,
will not be the same, will be something different. Present is everything.
Value whatever is there. Future, we don't know, what will be the next.
Enjoy your moments in hand.
My eldest grandson is in London today. He has to do his Exams, his last
paper. After this, he will be done with his three years of Uni. One more year
left, to enter in his practical life. Time flies. Our kids fly away, so quickly,
we never thought of that.
Sitting on empty Nest, is not easy. But this is cycle of life. Our parents
had to face that too. These are facts of life. Take it easy. I miss him.
He used to call me for his breakfast, his coffee, his omelette.
Anyway, I have to plan my day, with what is there, whatever is available.
We have to be flexible, ready for any change, to accept. Do according to
the existing circumstances. It is 10.30, I am in my room with my computer.
I have to call my youngest daughter's in laws.They are not well. I have to
share their difficult moments. I just talked to my daughters.They call me
every day, just to chit chat, to connect.
It is 12.30, going to my kitchen to make banana shake for my son and for
my own self. We never have to forget to treat ourselves. It helps keeping
us away from getting depressed and thinking negative.
I have to make some other calls too. Today is my younger brother's
daughter's birthday. I will call her. We have to share people's
special moments, to put smile on their faces.To let them know
that we are here for them, to celebrate together.
I just called my daughter, to talk to her in laws. She told me call at 7 pm,
that will be better for them. It will be 2 pm Toronto time. I will do that.
We call to make their day, not to ruin that.We have to do what suits them.
Whenever, we step forward to make people's day, to give them
happiness, it never goes waste, always comes back to us. Whatever
goes around comes back.Trust me, go for that.
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