Let Them to Make Their Dreams Come True

Wednesday -- Cold, mixed sunny cloudy morning with 5 C. Looks, it was
raining last night. Everything looking great after shower. Beautiful
atmosphere. It is 10.45, I am done with my breakfast. Enjoying morning
tea, sitting in the TV lounge. News Channel is on. Nothing good to watch.
But we have to be aware of, with what's going around the world. It is
Nowadays, I am not doing my Scrabble and Sudoku books. No time for
that. I have to focus, while TV is on, no distractions. I am looking through
the glass panel to connect with my back garden, anyway. My friends are
there. I have to know, what is going on there.
It is 11.30, I am in my room, with my computer, browsing Facebook
messages. My eldest grandson is having his online exams, today. The middle
one, Master Golden is also has his exams. He is in the first year of his Uni.
He is doing degree in Computer Engineering.
Time flies. After couple of years, they will be gone. Leaving the nest empty.
We have to value the moments, we have together, with our kids. We don't
have to apply the rules, we were following, years back. Sometime, the rules,
we apply to our kids, are more than half a century old. Obsolete, for today's
Let kids do things, their own way. Just oversee, but no dictations. Don't get
them confused. Leave them alone so that, they can have a clear vision of
their targets, their future. To achieve, whatever they want, to make their
dreams come true.
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