Prayers Never go To His Waste Basket

Saturday -- Bright mixed sunny cloudy day with 7 C. My walks are on hold
because of the Virus Directives. I am not interested about the weather
forecast. Days before, I used to click weather channel site on my computer,
first thing in the morning.
I used to plan my day according to the forecast. How many layers to wear,
when to go for my walk. I mean set my walk timings, to avoid rain. I used
to take all these things, into account, to plan my day.
It is a total different scenario, nowadays. We have to be flexible. Have to
change our plans. Have to coordinate with the circumstances, to enjoy
our moments in hand. I think, change is beauty of life.
We have to find ways, which suit our age, our health and also the
circumstances, we have. We can not change anything around, not the
people, not the circumstances. But we always can change our own
Just focus on your own self and things start getting better. No more gloomy
picture, no more sleepless nights, no more negative thoughts. It will be a
new picture to look at, with full of life, with all the positive thoughts.
This is weekend, I have to do two loads of my laundry. One load of bed
sheets and towels, the other one, of my clothes. Not to go anywhere, not
many clothes, still have to wash, whatever is there.
I start doing my laundry, before having breakfast, to start the process.
I don't want to be stuck with my laundry, all day. We have to take our days
like a day planner. I have bunch of other assignments for today.
I take myself like a Program Manager, to plan and assign projects to my
own self, on daily basis. I have to do laundry on weekends. I have to make
breakfast for my eldest grandson, cheese omelette, banana shakes, or
whatever he likes. Yesterday it was pancakes and coffee.
I like to make banana shake and tea for my son. Nowadays, it is a Full
House, so I love to make for others too, whatever they like. I love cooking,
like to make dishes to put on the dinner table for my family.
These are like assignments, to me. I am proud of my Project Manager.
He keeps me busy with assigning projects and keeps track too. He is
doing a wonderful job.
It is 10.30, I am done with my breakfast. One load of my laundry is in
washer, the other one is in Dryer. I am sitting in my TV lounge, enjoying
view of my back garden, in front, through the big glass panels.
Couple of birds are in my garden. They are around the pear skeleton
tree. I think playing hide and seek, following social distancing.They
also must be watching News Channel, to be aware of the situation.
Situation is not the same, changing every day, every moment. We have
to be connected and follow the directives.This is for everyone's safety,
for our own self too. It is 11.30, my laundry is done. I am in my kitchen,
making scrambled egg and chocolate milk for my eldest grandson.
He is awake now.
It is 12.15, I am in my room with my computer, going through Facebook
messages. My youngest daughter just called me from Reading, England.
I know, she is busy with her family. I don't talk long. We have to keep in
mind that our kids have their own priorities.
My daughter, the middle one called from Grimsby. She got her final
exams schedule. It will start from 9th of June. It is her final year of
Bachelor's degree in Math.
With her husband and four kids, it was tough. One of her daughter is
Autistic, that is on top. Anyway, she managed and now it is nearly done.
Just matter of couple of months.When there is will, there is always a way.
It is 3.30, I am in my kitchen, making baked pasta with ground beef and
crushed red chili, garlic salt and pepper. I will bake in toaster oven. It will
be quick and will save energy.
There are many factors for, spending much of my time in my kitchen.
It is one of my favorite spot in the house and nowadays, my eldest
grandson is in bed, due to his ankle fracture.
It is a Full House, everyone staying home. I love to make things for my
family. It is unique opportunity for me, to spread happiness around. It also
gives me assurance that I am not retired. I am still in the Rink. We have to
trick ourselves, to think positive, to stay away from thinking negative.
Nowadays, I am not getting Comments from my Readers Family. I think,
it is glitch. I am worried about my friends Hannah and Niklas. I am also
thinking about my friend Smile Addict. He was not feeling well.
My friend, who was doing 2 Jobs, having difficult time. I am praying for
everyone of you my Dear. God is a Great Listener. Prayers never go to
His waste basket. Leave everything to Him. He always decides, what is
the best for His Creatures. Have a great day my Dear Readers.
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