Good Bye with Photo ops and Smile
It is Tuesday beautiful weather, 16 C, sunny and bright. No rain no snow. Sky is blue, all clear. I am enjoying at my deck, sitting on my favorite chair, having my morning cup of tea. We have to start our day with anything, we like to enjoy. Sitting at the favorite spot of your house / apartment, inside or outside doesn't matter. Try to enjoy your moment.
Today is big and busy day for me. My youngest grandson, the Slurpee Boy's Graduation ceremony is today. My son and my daughter in law have taken day off. I am not working today, so I am fine. My eldest one, the Lucky Guy and the middle one, Master Golden will be coming from work, to be there, with family.
It is 11.30, I am in Oshwa, 40 minutes away from my place, Pickering, sitting in Auditorium, beautifully decorated with flowers and colorful banners. Ceremony will start at 12.30, will be many speeches and presentations. It will be a long day but family is family. We have to be there to share special moments.
It looks amazing, all the youngsters are dressed up in gowns and Caps. Their family and friends, all here, with smile on their faces. It is very colorful and festive atmosphere.
It is 3.30, there is announcement for all Graduates to throw their caps to make an end of the ceremony. Beautiful moments of their life, to cherish. Now time for family photos. Pictures with friends and loved ones.
Everyone will move on, will take their own path to travel onward, choosing career of their choice. Who knows, how many will be able to see each other. It all depends, how their life takes turn, where and in what direction. For now it looks like a good bye with photo ops and smile. Cheerful ending of a beautiful ceremony, to enjoy and to be locked up in their memory boxes.
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