Bird are busy picknicking

 May be an image of campsite


Beautiful morning sunny and bright. No more rain. We had already more than enough of it. Grass and flowers, don't need any watering. It is 26 C, hot day.  

This is weekend, I have to do my hair color. My friend invited me for afternoon tea. I will go there. It is always good to be with friends and family.

We have to accept invitations, to make our day. I think, calls are sort of blessings. Signals from God for us to gather happiness. Life is nearly the same for everyone. It is all up to us, how we take it. 

Try to give color to the moments in hand. Sitting idle, doing nothing, won't bring happiness. Try to be active, do something, anything you like to do. Go for walk, to look the scenery around. 

Some people like outdoors, some not. They like to be indoors. Find the spot of your choice in your garden / balcony, get book / magazine of your interest, to be happy. Bird watching is beautiful. You feel great, watching them doing things, you get involved.

Happiness is inside, try to find that. Company is good, still we don't need that to be happy. No company is better than to be in the company, we feel, get stuck. 

Time alone is unique experience. These are moments to be with your own self, to listen your inside. Try that. You will feel contentment, inner peace. It is sort of meditation. I enjoy that.

It is 10.30 I am done with my hair color, sitting in my room. My computer is switched on. Blinds of my windows are drawn up. I am enjoying view of my front garden.  

Red wooden bench is looking great on the lush green grass. Trees around are loaded with green. Red and golden yellow flowers are smiling on my neighbor's front garden, across. 

It looks very quiet in my neighborhood. Cars are sitting idle on driveways, waiting for orders to move. I don't see any bird too. I think, they are busy with parties, picnicking at beach side. 

Summer is great, time to enjoy gardens and outdoors. Time is go on slipping from our hands. Try to enjoy with whatever is there, available.


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