I am at Flowers Isle

 May be an image of table and indoors


Beautiful morning. Great day. Not too hot. It is 10.30, 23 C, will be 26 later on. I have to get ready now to enjoy outdoor. We have to switch plans to make our day. I have to make some calls. I can do that after. It is too early to call anyway.

We have to keep in mind that timings are key for calls to maintain relationships. We have to avoid to call early morning and also at late night. 

Our face reflects our emotions from inside out. While we are talking face to face, we can read face expressions. We can figure out that the person, we are talking to, is in a mood to listen or not. We can coordinate our talks accordingly. Sometimes it is better to cut it short, rather to drag and linger on. 

It is better to cut it short. It is always a good option to finish at the right time and with a right tone from the other side of the phone. Don't have to push him to keep on listening, all we want to talk. Better to cut it out and set him free to leave.

When we call, we can't see face expression. We have to rely on tone. Tone expresses feelings in it's own way. It is enough to figure out that the person wants to listen or has to go. Don't push after that. It is good to let him go. What ends in good is always good.

It is 11.15, I am at Costco with my son. He has to get few things from here, will drop me at Tim Horton after that. For now I am enjoying at flowers Isle. I always like to spend some time here. Beautiful bouquets all around, looks like, giving me smile to make my day.

Each bouquet looks unique with deep red, golden yellow, purple, pink and white flowers with some green around. I am happy, enjoying my time. Try to find something to get happiness, wherever you go. There is always something to make you happy. It is all up to us, how we look at. 

It is 12.30, I am at Tim Horton, enjoying my coffee, busy with writing my Blog. This is to me like talking to my Readers family. I always enjoy that. Have a great day my friends. Keep smiling.


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