My friend White Butterfly

May be an image of 2 people


July 2nd 2024

Great weather, beautiful morning. Sun is up in full bloom, still not too hot. It is 10.30, 22 C, I am getting ready for my walk. I have to do some laundry today. I just checked my table calendar. 

It is not easy to remember things to do all the time. I use to jot down on my small calendar. It helps me to keep track of what to do and when to do. No pressure to remember day to day matters. My calendar takes care of all that.

I have to wash and change my bed sheets and towels today. It's time. I gathered my laundry load, will put in washer later on. My eldest grandson is sleeping downstairs. I don't want to bother him now.

While doing things to make our day, we have to keep in mind, peace and comfort of others. It is key to maintain harmony around, specially at work place and our household.  

Everyone is different with his own habits. Some like to stay up late at night, start their day late. Some go early to bed, rise early morning. In household, we have to co-ordinate with everyone to keep a peaceful atmosphere. 

Let everyone enjoy his own life. Avoid to intrude into other's privacy and personal matters. No one likes that. Try to keep a comfortable distance, it helps to maintain long term relationships. 

It is 10.45, I am at Whites Road. Beautiful wild flowers, red, purple, white and gold, all colors, are lined up by the side of walkway. Road is busy, too much traffic. I think, it is morning time and also a working day. 

I am enjoying my walk. My friend, the White Butterfly is here beside me. She just came to join me. Couple of birds are enjoying their morning walk on my right, under the Maple tree. It is so much green all around. So much to behold to make your day. Life is all good.


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