Birds join me for breakfast

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It is hot and humid day. I told you that every season in Canada, is very distinct, intense. We can have a feel to enjoy. Summer time is to get out to enjoy outdoors. Rain forecast is in weather channel. Let's see.

It is morning time, 8.15, I am enjoying breakfast at my deck. Pink and purple seasonal flowers are smiling in white and brick red planters, lined up by the left side of my deck. On my right, are two big flower pots with red and green leaves. I don't remember their names. I am not good at names.

Maple leaf tree is on my front. I think, it is at least 20 feet high. I am 5 plus, under 6 ft. I compare trees with my size. I know it's not the exact measurement, still gives an idea.

Flower bed in front, at the back, is full of dark pink seasonal flowers, in between, is Canadian rose plant with pink flowers. It's flowers are now done. I see just couple of them, sometimes ago, it was loaded.  

Three blood red roses are smiling on David Austin plant. One single peach color rose is there, on one of the plant, in the middle. Looks not so happy, I think, feels lonely. Everyone needs company to enjoy their time. 

Grass is green, thanks to showers, of and on. It is now 24 C, later on, will be hot feel like 36. Thunder storm is predicted in the afternoon. Couple of birds are having breakfast on my right, in my back garden. I think, came to give me company, to join me for breakfast. Great. Thanks to them. Life is all good.


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