Take Day Plans like Combo

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It is another hot humid morning of late July. I start my day with a cup of honey drink. One tea spoon of honey in hot water. I enjoy that, sitting outside at my deck. It looks great with green all around. Beautiful flowers of all colors, dark pink, golden yellow, deep purple and white, all giving you smile to make your day. Nothing else we need to give a good start to our day. It is enough.

Mornings are face of our day. We have to take good care of that. Try to give color, to beautify it. It will make your day colorful. You will never go wrong with doing that. Start thinking positive as soon as you are out of bed. No matter, your sleep was good or not. Start forgetting all negatives. Focus on, to be positive. That make a big difference. 

Keep yourself away from negativity. It is like a disease, like an infection, spoils everything. Your mind and body will get infected in no time. 

Your face is a mirror of your inside. Whatever we feel inside, deep down, reflects on our face. Negative thoughts make our face gloomy, sad. People start keeping away from our company. No one likes to be with us, to be part of all that. We start feeling lonely after a while, sitting with bundle of our miseries. Nobody is there, willing to share our burden.

Positive thoughts are like fizzy drinks. We can't control, can not bottle that up. It starts oozing out to spread around. Glow on our face, energy in our body, all are clear signals. Enough to announce that we are type of a positive person. Positivity works like magnet. People like to give us company, to spend time.

We have to make our own day. No one will come to pull us out from the pool of our negative thoughts. No one will push us to walk on right track. Glass is half empty or half full. All depends how we take it. Aptitude is key to make a change.

It is 9.30, I am done with my breakfast and with calls from my daughters. It is school break time for them in England. They are enjoying their holidays. Nice of them to take some time of for me, to make calls. We have to appreciate whatever our kids are able to do for we parents. 

It is 10.15, I am ready for my walk. We have to plan our day, taking it like a mixed plate. Like a combo with some exercises for our body and for our mind. Try to keep pushing yourselves to get going. Your days will be brighter. Trust me. 


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