We can never ever pay back

Happy Easter to All My
Dear Readers
My Dear Students
I am very sad and
Embarrassed by the behavior
of Smile Army volunteers
I always ask them to cool down
control their behavior
listen to their teachers and
respect others, but they never listen.
I appeal you, My Dear Friends
from Police personnel to please
Forgive and Let it go.
I know it is too much, still
I request you my Friends,
not to take any action as
it will effect so many People's
Lives and Careers.
We All are Members of the same
Human Family.
God is watching and I assure you that
You will be paid off for your
Noble Act of Kindness.
I Believe we always get much more
in Return from Him.
I Hope you will think over and
wont let me down.
My Friend doing 2 Jobs
Please don't feel bad
I will write for you
Just forget everything
You are doing 2 proud Jobs
My Dear, remember that
I Love You.
Kris Dear Have some sense
How can you say Niklas miss school
and take Father to Mall.
Niklas has to go to school
doesn't has to miss school
because of Father's
It is Thursday cloudy rainy day with 5 degrees. Today is
Pot Luck at our Club at 12 Noon. My friend will pick me
up, we are planning to get something from Freshco for
the party on our way, so will leave at 11.30 am.
I got strawberry vanilla cake, my friend got chocolate fudge
cake, it was fresh but luckily on sale so just 5 dollars each.
Not very big one, but we have to take not much as everyone
brings something and what is left we have to take our things back.
Yesterday my right eye started giving problem, it becomes red and
when it starts I feel like it is hurt so I got the indication before. I start
using clear eye solution to stop from getting worse.
I have a habit to sleep sideways on my right as my Mom used to say
don't sleep on your left side, you will press your heart so not good.
It looks we are not listening to our Moms but it goes through and
we never forget that.
Last night it looked that I will have a difficult night with no sleep
because of my eye not letting me sleep on right side and not on
left side because of my Mom.
These are the moments when I use to talk to God. It is very simple
I just say Thank you God and I am sorry. I go on repeating this
to distract myself from the stressful situation. I always succeed.
It is sort of meditation for my Mind and Body, I get inner peace.
I believe that we are being disobedient to our Creator so often,
deliberately and most of the times unintentionally, so we have
to say " Sorry " for that more often, still not enough. I make it a
habit that when I wait for my ride or in Clinic anywhere, I always
try to do that. It takes away my anxiety.
Same thing with " Thank You God ", We never are aware of
all the blessings from God Almighty. We take everything as
granted never give value to anything we are gifted. We have to
make a habit to say " Thank You ". This is for our own good.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Easter Friday, the store is supposed to be closed but customers came and forced me to open the store. I asked them what if the court finds out but they said that no one is going to know. I served coffee, tea, banana smoothie and yogurt smoothie. One customer brought potato patties and was giving to all who said Happy Easter Smile
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWN was very Friday like today. Some people were looking forward to weekend but most were not feeling good because they are hooked on blogs.
SWS had a similar mood. No one looks forward to Fridays any more :-(
The toastmaster meeting was house full, as always. Someone commented that these meetings used to be so boring but things have changed now!
Thanks for writing for me. I read this blog every day. Thank you for being my lifeline.
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there
Dear Madam Smile, you so good You write good to. Job Worker 2 come and say how you. I say I happy because my Madam forgive me and say she love. She say oh I guess it big deal for you. I say yes it very big deal. I need go prey. She smile and say ok, And dont tell me that she also tell you that you do good job. I say yes. She laugh and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciate your blog today. The retired priest was very pleased and very enthusiastic and we asked him to do the reading of the blog. He said that this is the highest honour for him. He said your blog is very appropriate for today. The retired author said that she is not surprised because you tend to write on different themes and today being Good Friday, you wrote on the religious theme. The cafe manager decided to offer Easter special based on your blog. He also told his staff to suggest to the customers to say "Thank you God" and "I am sorry". When one of the retirees pointed out that some customers may find this to be offensive, he replied back that this is a Christian country and today is Easter so whats the problem. He also said that staff will not force anyone to say it but only inform them as it is very useful. The retired priest agreed with the idea. We hope you dont mind him using your idea
thank you
recent retiree
What an amazing blog. Really beautiful. I tried Smile's idea of saying "Thank you God" and "I am sorry" and it worked for me
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Yes Smile always find some interesting and useful nuggets for her readers
Father say you yel father lot today and all day. Father say he angle and it Easter so father no mind. Father say father invite small people for Easter, like 75. father say father tire because father no energ. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah kris tire because Hannah no no kris peepl come. Hannah say Hannah find morning when Hannah give brakfast to father .Hannah say she no slip and make food. Hannah say father think he invite 75 but kris more come. Niklas say all yell Niklas that he no put brace but it hurt. Niklas say lot peeple come but Niklas no want them come. Me tire because me need help in small party. Me no you say no party but this very small, like 100 peeple, Father invite 75 and me invite 30. Me help lot like go get half hrocery. Me say Hannah you tire so make 4 dish only. Father say make at leest 5. Hannah say she tire and get from store. Me say me no want waste money. Hannah tire. Niklas anger. Father hapy. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing Tim Horton's goer. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing trainer. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteI was hoping that the end of the week will bring a change but I guess not. This is ridiculous. What a joke. I know, I know ...
ReplyDeleteThank you mrizvi. So nice of you to remember to comment. You do read before commenting, right?
Happy Easter Smile
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmm down, Plunker. Just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. Kids today, you know. Yes we must be kind
ReplyDeleteBrilliant comment from you, mrizvi. Good job, kiddo
Happy Easter
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteSome of us had a reading of the blog in my room as there is no reading allowed at SRC and Smile Garden. I did not get a chance to see Prof George today but I will pass your message to him. We dont see the Dean often oher than the blog reading as his office is usually out of bounds for students. We just wanted to clarify that the police officers are not the one bringing the lawsuit, but their families are upset. There is also a separate investigation to find out why officers were not in uniform. They are saying that if the officers they would have been uniform then it would not have been a problem as they would have been easily recognizable. To be honest, all I am sharing with you is based on what I have heard as I dont know the real thing myself. We are very low after all that happened. It used to be very much fun.
thank you
Literature Fellow