Calls are Support System

Dear Students
I am not happy the way you are
treating Smile Army
Everyone has to control emotions
You and Smile Army
both have patience please
and respect each other
Dean My Friend
You have to talk one to one
with your Partner
the sooner the better
Try to understand each other's point
Love, patience and kindness
are key factors for dissolving issues
Kris Dear Father must eat
I will feel good that way
Thanks for taking rabbit out
of Niklas room
Don't worry about rabbit
they are used to live outside
It is not fair that Father watching TV all time
You have to give TV time to Niklas
Father must realize
Afternoons must be Niklas TV time
It is Thursday mixed sunny and cloudy morning with 2 degrees.
First Thursday of every month, we have our club meeting.
I am skipping that too.
I got my water and snacks for the day in my room so not so
many trips to downstairs. It is cut down from 20 to 10 now,
which is an achievement. I am doing good in that respect.
I am doing my things according to my day plan, which I divide
into segments. Mornings on computer checking messages and
comments on my blog. After 11 am Calls time, in between
watching my favorite shows on computer.
Afternoons sitting downstairs with my family, doing scrabble
and cross words on my books. Watching TV and so on.
Things working well. I am satisfied with handling my work
from home time period
I called my colleague, He was not working with me but we were
in the same Research Institute. He was on Physics side, while I was
doing in Microbiology. His wife is also good friend of mine. She was
in Social work Department.
It was more than 30 years back, but we keep connected, don't call
often, just once or twice a year. They live back home. We know
each other since 1964. It is a solid relationship, we can relate
when we talk. She was insisting me to come and stay at her place.
I called my sister in law, nowadays she wants to keep in touch on
daily basis because I am staying home. We just have chit chat to
brighten our day. My younger brother also calls, otherwise I call
him, I know he wants to talk to me.
These calls are like a support system when you are in bad shape.
It gives us happiness and act like meditation, helps us out in our
early recovery. I also called my sister in law, my late husband's
sister, she lives back home.
I am happy that there are people whom I can get connected, even
in the days when I am not so mobile. What else I need, I think that's
enough to move on. Thank You God for watching over me.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Friday, customers are lining up outside my shop to read blog as inside is completely full. They come here before going home or to the pub. It is like a community center here. The councillor is here as well. The priest was here in the morning as it is less busy then. He was making lots of notes from the past blogs
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
There were mixed emotions in the SWS today. People were really happy to see today's blog because it however when everyone realized that it is Friday, they were feeling a little gloomy.
Similar sentiments in SWN also. Today's blog was discussed but when people realized that it is Friday, they did not feel that much cheerful
This blog is my lifeline. I read it every day
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome caller! She is an awesome planner. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards. I was pulling in the parking lot just as Craig and Jasmeet were going in the office. So probably lost by 1 minute
Sorry, I didn't realize that you are just behind us otherwise would have waited for you.
DeleteI posted the blog right away as this is the first thing that we do
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I plan go say hello to job worker with video kid but then I remember what you say so I no go and call. She say why you call because you sit beside me. I say calls are like lifeline. She say what you talk. I say it very complicate but my Madam explain all in blog. I think she remember joke. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciated the blog today. The retirees are surprised that you have so many people who you are in contact with that you can call. The retirees dont talk to anyone however there is one retired lady who is very social and she talks 2 people in a month.
We got an update today from retirees who were part of the Smile target project. This is the pilot in which the retirees establish some targets for themselves which they try to achieve in that day. The targets are what you suggested eg washing clothes, making phone call, watching tv etc. The early results from the pilot continues to be positive. We have decided to continue the pilot. If you have any thoughts to improve it then we will not just welcome it but appreciate it
thank you
recent retiree
This blog was a lifesaver for our meeting today. We were having a discussion about how to start a new corporate initiative regarding Employee Assistance Program and were going nowhere. The EAP program is intended to provide a support network for employees and their families During the break, we read your blog. It provided us amazingly clear insights to start a new initiative
ReplyDeletethank you
Keith Walker
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. As per your instructions we gave a lot of respect to the Smile Army and even asked them to sit in the front. However, they were having one of those days, or were simply acting as idiots. They started making fun of us and pointed out that we caused you to worry now. We didnt respond but they kept on chirping us after which we could not take any more so we basically started reading the subway recipe. They are so stupid that they think we are doing this to help them as opposed to make fun of them.
The Dean mentioned that he is very thankful to you. He has a lot going on so he spends very little time here but never misses the blog reading. The senior law professors wanted to talk to him as well but he said that "Folks, I am a 1000% Smile guy so will not do anything which Smile does not approve or agree to". We are wondering if you can please write a detailed set of instructions for him
thank you
Literature Fellow
Another fresh blog ! Smile is fantastic
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Why are you surprised. Yes she is fantastic!! Just enjoy
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing caller. She is amazing writer. She has amazing family. She is amazingly active. She is involved in amazing activities. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say father eat so you gooder. Father say he yell Hannah because Hannah sleep all time. Father say father then ring bell. Father say father get energy so father want thank. Father say father lot sick so father plan watch tele all time. Father say father yell nabor because nabor no ask father helth. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you good idea becase father gooder. Hannah say father wake before son and wake Hannah. Hannah say it Hannah mistake because Hannah no wake. Hannah say father no eat morning for many day so Hannah sleep. Hannah say you please take kris care and niklas wory. Niklas say grandpapa eat and ring bell all time. Niklas say he hapy but he sad. Niklas say he hapy because grandpapa gooder but sad because he no tele. Me yell Niklas because he play video al time. Niklas say he no get tele before father sleep so play nite. Me cut net so he no play nite and slip. He say all niklases play. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Well well well. Here we go again. Another day, same thing. I wish Smile has not asked us to be so civil.
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Fantastic comment
Caaaaalllmmmmm down Plunker. Yes Smile has asked us to be nice, so be considerate
ReplyDeleteGreat comment mrizvi. Good job