God loves those who forget and forgive

Smile Army my friends
You have to control your emotions
always listen to teachers
and other fellows
Dean my friend
I am happy for you and your wife
Spend more time with her
Try to acknowledge her feelings
and move forward in positive direction
She looks a wonderful lady to me
Ready to forget and forgive
God loves such people
Retirees my friends
it was not stir fried mushrooms
I think you missed my point
Just few drops of cooking oil and
add enough water to give it stir fried
look slightly golden after cooking.
Kris Dear I play scrabble with robot on
my computer. I do all my things on my own
Father has to understand and
stop ringing bell all the time
Please give TV time to Niklas
to play video games at home
Niklas has to enjoy his time
It is Thursday bright cold morning with 6 below 0 C
I am done with my morning chores now sitting in lounge
watching TV show, doing Sudoku and cross words books.
While watching TV. I am also enjoying the scenic view of my
back garden. I am surprised can't see any bird or squirrel.
My son and daughter in law have taken couple of days off
to spend time with their kids during March Break. They
dropped me to my doctor's office.
It didn't take me long at doctor's place as she is like my
daughter so most of the time I don't have to wait long.
I called my son to pick me up. My son makes sure to
give me his phone when I go somewhere.
They were at Walmart which is 2 minutes away from
doctor's office. I am now sitting at McDonald, enjoying
my half and half coffee and writing my blog.
Here most of Walmart have McDonald Cafe within in
their stores. This is an additional facility. While I was
visiting England I noticed that most of the stores have
Cafe inside their premises.
Tesco, Sainsbury, Bhs, each and every store, I still remember
while my daughters used to do their shopping, I used to enjoy
sitting in Cafe enjoying my coffee and writing my blog.
Here in Toronto, Cafes are separately located.
It is 5 pm I am home now with my computer. I got miss calls
from my younger brother and my sister in law. I called them
back, now watching my favorite show on computer.
My son and daughter in law taking kids to McDonald.
I preferred to stay home to have my time alone and
enjoy my own things.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are lot of locals who are here. I have bought extra biscuits as it has become a tradition in our small town that locals come here and read blog before going back to their homes or pub
ReplyDeleteI lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there were a fresh from SDs there with a note that "enjoy these Smile Donuts, courtesy Smile Addict"
I was in early today so was able to post the blog. The box of SDs was there when I came. Like every day, there was an extra donut for the person posting the blog.
DeleteSA Please dont bring donuts, they are so expensive. Plus you also miss your wages from your second job all the time
Me left donut so you enjoy blog.
DeletePlease no wory money. I no miss all money in job 2, I only miss 1 hour 2-3 time week.
I take all blog if you need copy then me know.
Smile Adict
My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome tv watcher. She is an awesome adviser. She is an awesome writer. She has an awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
Thanks for writing. This blog is my lifeline
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was fantastic today. Turnout was great. We took the nature route
We talked about Smile's diverse blogs during the SWN today. She is an inspiration all. Like all Fridays, everyone was feeling a little low today
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker with video kid come and say how you. She say I busy and no time talk blog. I say I no want talk blog, I want ask is video kid ever need go doctor. She say yes sometime he get sick. I say when he go doctor then do you leeve him there and do shop? She of course not but why you ask? I say I so anger because my Madam sik and need go doctor and her only son so bad that she leeve her there alone and enjoy shop and macdonal. I think she get headache. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteWe appreciate your blog today. The retired dieticians and retired nutritionists as well as the hospital administrator were specially interested in the blog because they wanted to understand if the mushroom snack is a healthy snack or a health hazzard. The hospital administrator was specially pleased with your response because she was waiting for a confirmation before including it in the "Eat with Smile" menu. After reading your response, she joking asked the retired health care professionals "so now you know why I was asking Smile about the nutritional value of this item? " They all looked away sheepishly and didnt respond.
The retirees are amazed that you are so independent and try to mitigate the impact of your needs on your family. They mentioned that in their case, when they go to any health care facility then they make sure that they have their personal mobiles as well as have their son or daughter with them all the time, sitting in the waiting room with them.
The subcommittees on joint family living and healthy senior living are very much interested in finding out your response about how to keep up the morale and health as we age and the health is starting to be on a decline
thank you
recent retiree
Another fresh new blog.
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Just enjoy the blog. Of course there will be a fresh blog every day
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. Prof George asked Dean if this is a wise move but he said that since Smile has written for the Smile Army, then he is 100% sure that they will control their emotions, so not to worry today. He was right because the Smile Army was very subdued. They sat in the back and hardly said a word. When one of the professors came and was not able to find a spot to stand as the hall was completely full, they immediately moved back and gave her room to come inside. They were definitely on their best behaviour today. Prof George tried to cheer them up and said after the reading of the blog, if they want to share any thoughts but other than saying sorry, they didnt say anything
Dean was looking pleased today. He said that he agrees with you that his wife is very pleasant. The Dean said that he will spend more time with him as his wife is a very understanding gentleman. He said that his wife was planning to leave him and marry a lady but thanks to you, they are continuing on.
Thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing counselor. She is amazing writer. She has amazing family. She is amazingly active. She is involved in amazing activities. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say you yell father litle today. Father say he angel so he no mind. Father say father yell Kris because he no kare father like you kris. Father say father old so father need ring bel. Father say all injoy but father no injoy. Father say if father see tele 2 min then is father mistske? If father old and need ring bel then is father mistake? Father say if father no no play skrable and no robot than father mistake? Father say all father mistake like if it cold Deutschland in ciprang that father mistake also? Father say father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father litle upset today because father bore. Hannah say it ok so you please no wory. Hannah say Hannah kris tire and wil need go slip after Hannah give warm milk nite. Hannah say you please take care. Niklas say Niklas no do any home and all yel that why he go mall and go pub and no stay home. Father yell me and say you kris give robot you. Me so no do. Father say me need make window in backgarden wall like you kris do. Me no how do. Father say me need bring rabit in backgarden but me no no how you kris do. Me yel Niklas because he no help father and no go walk him like you Niklas. Niklas sad. Hannah tire. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
good post
ReplyDeleteI have got a headache as it seems like i am banging my head against the wall. I know it is senseless but so is some of what I read every day. Kids today :-( I know, I know, Smile wants us to be nice to everyone
DeleteGreat job mrizvi. You are getting better and better every day.
Caaaalmmm down Plunker. This blog is to help you live a less stressful life. Dont worry about kids, everything is fun for them
DeleteGood work mrizvi. Hope things are well at school.