We can carve beautiful moments to cherish

Monday -- Beautiful morning 21 C. It is 9.30, I am done with my
breakfast, enjoying my cup of tea, sitting in my TV lounge. My son
busy with his laptop, with his work. It is Monday, his working day.
My work place still closed, I am enjoying my holiday period for now.
Watching my favorite old TV show "Andy Griffith ". After a while will
go to my room to be with my computer, to connect with my family and
my friends.
We have to start our day with anything we will enjoy.This helps out
to make our day. Every day is like a blank Canvas. We can fill it up
with drawing sketches of our own choice.
Our days are gifts from God. We don't have to ruin, this beautiful gift
of ours. Value that and try to make best use of it. We can not waste and
bin our days. Keep in mind that He is watching from upstairs.
Plan your day to enjoy and to spread happiness to His Creatures around.
Moments are slipping from our hand, wont be coming back. What is gone
is gone. We can not turn the page. It will be dead, embedded into our past.
Present moment is everything. Don't lose that. Every moment is precious.
You can carve beauty out of that to turn into beautiful memories, to cherish
for the rest of your lives.
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