They will be gone, leaving the Nest Empty

Wednesday -- Beautiful cold morning 6 C, much better than yesterday.
Not windy, not cloudy. It is 10.15, I am in my room sitting with my
computer, browsing Facebook messages and also enjoying the scenic
view of my front garden.
It is very quiet, I can't see anyone walking around in my neighborhood.
Not even birds and squirrels. I think everyone must be in bed or following
staying home directive.
Plazas are now open but I haven't seen anyone going there. I noticed
that yesterday, when I was coming back from lake, with my son.
I wanted to have a look of what's going on there. I think, people
are not yet comfortable to go to shops. It will take a while.
Nowadays, my youngest grandson, the Slurpee Boy often comes to
my room, to sleep here. He knows I never use my bed during day time.
One of my friend asking me how come, I allow him to be in my room.
She told me that she never allows her grand kids to come to her room.
She was saying, at our age, it is tough to handle that things, which we
keep in certain order, get disturbed.
I agree with her, I also keep things properly and in order. Anyone
enters and stays for a while, things will definitely be not the same.
I have to rearrange everything after.
I believe, nothing is free, not total plus. Everything has two sides,
negative and positive.Try to take things in your life, with a perspective
of "glass half full, not half empty".
There is always something positive, we have to find out that and after
that nothing will bother. Looking at the brighter side of the picture,
is the beauty of life.
Before going to bed, I keep the cordless phone beside my bed, switch off
my cell to silent and turn the face of my table clock. As soon I am out
of my bed in the morning, I make my bed, put everything on it's place
and open up curtains.
be messed up. But I figure out that he is not sick of his old grandma.
That is more than enough. What else we want. I think nothing else.
After a while they will be gone, leaving the Nest empty. Try to value the
moments in hand. Our grand kids wont stay long. It is a matter of time.
They will be gone to get busy with their own lives. At that time, we wont
be able to turn the page. Moments in hand, are everything, try to enjoy
that my friends.
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