Life is Good, World is Beautiful

Friday -- Cold cloudy morning, 6 C. No rain, better than yesterday.
It is 9.15, I am in my room with my computer. Done with my breakfast
and Headline News. No birds, no Black Squirrel.Things are quiet
in my back garden.
It is very quiet, not much to watch in my Back garden. News also
the same as usual, like routine matters.Though they are planning
to open couple of businesses, but it will still take weeks.
I am with my computer. It takes me to places, to connect with my loved
ones. My daughters must be busy with their household things. They used
to call me early morning, to make my day.
I am going through my Facebook messages. My grade five friend, writes
to me every day. She lives in Perth.We spent our childhood, our schooling,
our Uni days, all together.
She is now, on the other side of the world. We never thought of, that
in the last leg of our lives, we will be so much apart.We met couple
of times after our student life. It was in Dubai, I was in transit,
stayed at her place, for couple of days.
We went all around the city, enjoyed our time together.Taking stops
at beautiful places. We went to Abu Dhabi too. She doesn't drive,
neither me. We used public transport.That was a unique experience,
our memorable moments.
She came to Toronto, it was fifteen years back. She stayed at my place.
We went to lake and other places, to enjoy our time.That was last time,
we met. I don't think, we will have another chance to see each other.
My daughters just messaged me.They were waiting for my message.
I use to write for them," I am available, you can call". It was mistake
at my end, not their fault. We have to evaluate things before jumping
to conclusions.
From my window, I can see Sun is coming out. Grey and white Rabbit
is playing on my front garden. Black Squirrel sitting quietly, near the
Magnolia tree, enjoying everything around. Couple of birds talking
to them from the tree top across.
My morning was a bit quiet but now things are changed. I am enjoying
the scenic view, the sunshine and everything around in my neighborhood.
Life is good, world is beautiful. We have to be patient, things take time,
to be back on track.There is always light at the end of tunnel.
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