Life is a Gift Pack with Full of Surprises

Tuesday -- Beautiful morning 35 C, will be 38 later. It is very hot today.
It was late morning for me. Last night my sleep was not good. Not a big
deal, happens at our age.This is just an old age syndrome.
Every stage of our life has it's own beauty and it's unique characteristics.
Same is old age. It is like any another stage of life. Childhood is period of
innocence. God planting the crop, to flourish, to bloom into Youth.
Youth stage is full of life, full of struggle, to move forward, to compete,
to establish identity, to make own family and building own house,
to prosper and to settle down.
Old stage is end of struggle, to have rest, to take back seat, to transfer
power and responsibility to the next generation. It is like golden era
of cycle of life, to enjoy time of doing things, we wanted to do before,
had no time for that. Now is time.
Make best use of time. No matter whatever stage of life, you are passing
through. Every stage is full of opportunities, full of excitements, full of
surprises. Like a gift pack, to open up, to explore, to enjoy.
Every moment is just one time experience. Won't be coming back.
Keep that in mind. What is gone, is gone. Don't wait, be happy and
never forget to spread happiness around.
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