Open Up Your Window

Wednesday -- 9.30, I am in my room, enjoying the beautiful
morning, the scenic view of my front garden and my neighborhood.
I never realized that my bed room window can play such an
important role in my life.
This staying home directive opened up so many windows
for me, to enjoy my life. I never thought of that before.
Our life has so many stages. Every stage has it's own beauty,
it's own assignments to be accomplished.
At our age, for we seniors, I think our responsibility is to maintain
peace and harmony in the household, we live in. It doesn't matter,
we live alone, in Retirement home or with family.
We can enjoy even if we are staying in our room.
Just open up your window, to get connected.
You will observe so many things are there,
waiting to make us happy, we never thought of.
We can not spread happiness and make
others happy until we take care of our own self.
Follow "3 A" principle:
1 : Accept yourself:
Never feel self pity.
It is like poison, always there
on the way of our happiness.
2 : Acknowledge yourself:
Try to assess your
worksheet every day.
Give credit to yourself for averting
disputes, handling difference of opinion
and controlling your temper.
3 : Admire yourself:
Give gift to yourself for the
things, you done, to make your day.
Enjoy hot cup of Tea /Coffee
sitting in your favorite spot
Watch your favorite Show
Read your favorite book / Magazine
Water plants.
Do anything to feel good,
to make you special.
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