Life is Good

Friday -- Cloudy rainy morning 10 C, feels also like 10. It rarely happens
that, these two digits are the same. It is long weekend here in Canada.
Monday is holiday. On Tuesday, couple of more retail stores will be
opened up.
All are staying home so every day looks the same. People are cautious
to go to stores. I think we have already made adjustments to tackle
this lock down situation. We Humans can adapt to be comfortable
in any circumstances.
I am enjoying too.Windows of my room, connect me to my front
garden, to birds and squirrels, also take me around my neighborhood.
My computer takes me further away to connect with my family
and friends.
To change scenery, I go to TV lounge, to watch News and some
old Shows, of my time. Kitchen plays very important role in my life.
It is my refuge and place for me to entertain myself.
I go there to play with the colors and materials of my fridge.
Mix all that, to mold into any dish of my choice, to put on the
dinner table for my family. Life is good. No complaints.
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