Take couple of moments off, to Pause

Tuesday -- Beautiful sunny morning 2 C. I see couple of birds having
chit chat, enjoying their morning walk on my back garden.Trees look
happy too in the breeze.
Things change so quickly, I still remember, just couple of days back,
it was snowing with below zero and now this. So much to look around,
to enjoy and to get happiness from all around.
What is today wont be tomorrow. There is always change of scenery.
Value whatever is there. Moments never stay long, keep on slipping
from our hands, to change into past. After that we can not turn the
page to bring them back.
Every moment in our life, is unique, has it's own beauty. Don't let it go
waste. Drain every drop of happiness out of that.There is always something
to enjoy. We just have to take a break, to observe, to have a feel of that.
We have to get busy with doing things. We have to live in day tight
compartment, to leave no space for negative thoughts. But we have
to pause, to take couple moments off from our schedule, to look around.
These couple of moments will be more than enough to bring peace and
happiness. More than enough to look to at our lives with a different
It will change the scenery and we start thinking, how come we never
thought of that before. Just do it now. It is never too late to mend.
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