Switch Your Mood to Think Positive

Wednesday -- Beautiful morning 30 C will be 34 hot later. It is 8.30,
I am busy with my 5 minutes stretch exercises on my bed room carpet.
It is good for my back and helps to wake up my body.
Mornings are very important to set the direction of our day. We have to
be careful about how to start our day.Try to distract yourself to switch
your mood to focus on something positive.
I start my Blog, writing " Beautiful Morning ", no matter, if it is snowing
with 30 C below zero or very hot day 30 C plus Temp. Windy, with 60 km,
or whatever is there.
Whatever we write, is like we are inking our inner thoughts. What we start
believing, our mind goes in that direction, will start directing our body to
act accordingly.
Just change your attitude, try to take "Glass as half full, not as half empty."
you will start having a feel that everything is fine. Nothing is to worry about.
It is 12.30, I am at lake. Water looking great with lots of Seagulls around.
Today is my husband's death anniversary. I called my daughters to start
my day. I also called my sisters, my brother and couple of my cousins.
I talked to one of my childhood friend. She knows my husband, we talked
about our past memories. She lives in London, England. It is great when
there is someone, who can relate to what you talk.
It is 5.30, I am going to my kitchen to make some nice dish of my late
husband's choice. He must be watching from upstairs, will be happy
to see that, I still remember things about him.
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