Calls are like Lifelines

Monday -- It is 9.45 in the morning. I am done with downstairs.
Done with my breakfast, stayed in TV lounge for a while to watch
Andy Griffith, my favorite old time TV show and also to have a view
of my back garden.
It is cold so not much activity there, in my garden, may be it is early
morning. Everyone still in bed. !0.50, I am in my room, busy with my
computer. My daughter, the middle one called me from Grimsby. Her
in law uncle is in bad condition.
He had last stages of cancer, afterward had COVID 19 too. Now it is
matter of time. She is getting ready to go to London, with her husband
for burial preparation. It is tough in these quarantine time period.
Not many people allowed, only the close ones can go.
One of my Senior club friend just called. She missed my call yesterday,
now calling me back. These calls are like lifelines, giving us power to
cope with our staying home period.
It is tough for those, who are living alone. But for others, also very
demanding. Everyone together in the house for such a long period,
not easy for anyone.
Everyone needs his own privacy, to relax and to adjust his mood swings.
This is but natural.To behave and control temper, twenty four seven,
is tough for everyone in the house.We have to keep all that in mind,
before being judgmental.
Have patience, show some tolerance, try to make adjustments.
"This Too Shall Pass". It is matter of time, my Friends.
Just relax. Patience is virtue, wins in all circumstances.
Trust me.
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