Just Reschedule Your Day Plan

Tuesday -- It is 9.15, bright beautiful cold morning with zero C. I am in
my room with my computer. Now I spend most of my time in my room
and in my kitchen. I go to lake during the day, whenever my son can
make it with his work schedule.
I think, this stay home directive is not bothering me at all. I am not going
to my work place, I mean to my library. No more playing Darts and Carpet
Bowling. I started enjoying this new retired life of mine. No problem with
staying home. I found other hobbies to get busy.
My second home, I mean Tim Horton is off limit. No more going there,
to have coffee to enjoy my time alone slot. I discovered some other spots,
to spend my time. Other Faucets to drain happiness.
Kitchen is always there for me, giving open invitation, to use it's territory,
to do whatever I want. It is my refuge, my salvation. It provides me
opportunity, to open up, to use my caliber. I know that I don't have any.
Being aware of that, it provides me an open field with a blank canvas,
to draw, whatever I want. I always succeed to make something out of
the colorful ingredients all around, in the cabinet, to put something
on the dinner table for my family.
My mornings are in my room, to enjoy the view of my front garden.
My Magnolia tree will give me so much pleasure, I never thought of
that. I always admired it's beautiful flowers. But it is the first time,
I am enjoying it's budding process. Amazing.
We Human can adjust ourselves in any circumstances. We have
to take a break from our busy routine. We observe that everything
is unique. We just have to pause to enjoy.
We need some time and patience, to stop complaining. We have to
reschedule our day plans to make some adjustments.That's all we
need. Nothing to worry about my Friends.
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