We Canadians Learned Our Lessons

22 DIY Garden Bench Ideas - Free Plans for Outdoor Benches

Sunday --- Bright beautiful sunny Morning 29 C, will be 41 later in the 
afternoon. 41 C in Canada, unbelievable. Weather Channel showing 
rain and wind warning gusts of around 60 km.

Tornado warning too, at some places. But it wont change the temperature. 
It is fine, these are last couple of weeks of summer. We can handle plus 
40 C and 40 below zero will also not be, a problem for we Canadians. 

We learned our lessons, how to survive and enjoy. I think we are now 
sort of weather proof. Nothing really matters, we are capable of making 

It is 11.45, I am at Petticoat Creek. Lots of people are around, enjoying 
their time. Some having picnics with families. Some busy, swimming, 
kayaking, fishing, cycling and some walking with their dogs.

Water looking great. Ducks sailing on the deep blue surface of water, 
enjoying with their families. It is a festive atmosphere to behold. 
I am walking around to enjoy and to top up my steps. 

Now the view is quite different as clouds started gathering. It is becoming 
dark, rain must be on it's way. Perfect timing, I am done with my walk. 
It is time to go home. 

I talked to my daughters in the morning. Now have to do things in my 
kitchen and have to make some calls. I will call to my Younger brother, 
who lives in Whitby, with his daughter. I also have to call my younger 
sister. She lives back home. 

She lives alone, but is not lonely. She is a TV person, keeps herself busy, 
watching her favorite shows and doing other things. Lonely has nothing 
to do with living alone. 

Lonely is an stage related to our mental attitude, related to our mind. 
Sometimes we start feeling lonely in crowds, with people around.

Try to live in day tight compartment, get busy with anything, you like 
to do. It helps to change your attitude, keeps you out of negative thoughts.


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