Alarm Clock VS Bio Clock

bench under a magnolia tree | Magnolia trees

Friday -- Beautiful bright sunny hot morning 34 C, will be 39 later. 
Chances of rain at night. Let's see. We trust our weather channel but 
sometimes it ditches too. Anyway, this is our favorite pass time, here 
in Canada, to talk about weather.

I think, it is good, sort of following "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".
Talk about weather is a safe guideline. It is 9.30, I am up early. For a 
change my sleep was not so good but you can't say it was bad.

My daughter in law had to go for some sort of eye surgery. It is a simple 
procedure still, I wanted, to be awake to see her off. We have to share such 
moments, which matter a lot to the people around you.

She has to leave at 9 am. I never use my alarm clock. But my Bio clock 
never goes wrong. It is not accurate, there is too much malfunctioning. 
It use to wake me up hours before the event. 

It might be anything, my early morning flights or anything else. But I am 
fine with that. I still go with my Bio clock. It never let me miss, the time 
slots, which I feel, are important to me. 

I think, it's performance is good. We don't have to be too judgmental to 
the things and to the people around. It is always good to let it go and 
ignore a bit of shortcomings.

Too much of anything doesn't result in good. It just adds up your pressure 
and anxiety. Just relax and try to get along with the things and people 
around. It will lead to harmony and peace, which is the key to lead life happily.


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