Personal Account is at Your Disposal
Saturday -- Bright beautiful hot morning 32 C now, will be 39 later in the
evening. Summer is short here in Canada but it feels like a real summer.
AC is on, sun is in full bloom. Sometimes rain is there but not enough to
cool us down.
April showers, May flowers. I think the rainy season is already done.
Now just a drizzle once a while to make our day. We know, these are last
few weeks of summer so no complaints.
From mid of August, things will be different. From September onward,
we have to be ready to face the snow. We are ready for whatever will
be there. For now we are enjoying summer, our moments in hand.
It is 9. 15, I am in my bedroom, busy with my stretch exercises. Last night
my sleep was not good.Things start happening at our age. Don't take it
serious.This is like, old age saga.
Accept whatever is there, try to face with grace. Every stage of cycle of life,
is unique with it's own beauty. Nothing is total plus.Throughout our lives,
we were busy, dealing with our work and with our family matters.
Period of childhood is time, full of innocence.Time to have fun, to play
around.Teen, is time for setting directions, to lead our lives.Youth, is
period to make our own families, our living and our houses.
Retirement, is our personal time.Time to do our own things, to make
our dreams come true.Time to enjoy whatever we want to. We are done
with our assignments.This is time for us to relax, to plan our day to
enjoy in our own way, in our own style.
Go for Nature walk, sightseeing, enjoy reading books/ magazines.
Watch your favorite shows. Go for bird watching, gardening, plant
some seedlings, to watch them grow. Go to your kitchen to make
anything, you want. No pressure.
Twenty four hours are all at your disposal. You are not answerable to
anyone. Don't let your bank account, to go waste. Do something. Get
busy to make your day, to stay away from thinking negative.
It is 10.15, I am done with my breakfast, enjoying my morning tea, sitting
in my TV lounge. My son is awake, it is important to spend time with our
loved ones. It tops up our moments of happiness, helps us, to tackle our day.
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