White Butterfly Enjoying with Her Friends

Saturday -- Beautiful hot morning 27 C, will be 34 later. Last night was
rain so now a very different scenario, beautiful. It is 10.15, I am sitting
in the TV lounge, enjoying my morning tea. Everyone else sleeping.
My son is awake.
He is watching " Cast Away ". He watched that many times. It is a good
movie. I also joined. We are skipping, watching only the main parts.There
is so much going on in my back garden, I can not focus on the movie.
Birds enjoying their morning walk. My friend, the White Butterfly
is also here enjoying with her friends. Brown Rabbit busy, having his
morning snacks.
With so much going on in my back garden, how can I focus on the movie.
I am enjoying all that. Yellow and purple wild flowers smiling in the flower
bed at the back. What a beautiful scenic view to behold.
I am not going to my room. For now I am staying here, in the TV lounge
to enjoy my back garden, in front. I will go to my room after. It is 10.45,
my son is going to lake. I am in my room getting ready to go.
It is 11.15, I am at Petticoat Creek. Not so crowded here. I think it is
weekend and a bit early too. It is foggy, ducks are enjoying with their
families in the sky blue water. I am walking around enjoying my
time too. No complaints. Life is good.
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