What about Neighbors Next Door ??

Flower Garden Ideas and Designs | Outdoor Spaces | House & Garden

Thursday -- It is 10.30, sunny beautiful breezy morning. I am not outside,
just sitting in my room with my computer. I can all figure that out, looking
through my bedroom window. My room works for me as my bedroom too.

My bed is on the left and my table is on the right, with my computer 
and my other writing accessories.There are two windows in my room. 
One is right beside my table.This is not just a window. 

It works for me like a door, to step out.To enter into a different world 
to connect with other Creatures. We rarely take time out, to think about 
these neighbors of ours.

We talk about Moon, Mars and about the Creatures, who might exist 
up above somewhere in the sky. But what about these Creatures,who 
are our next door neighbors. 

There is so much treasure lying down in our front and back gardens. 
We just have to open our eyes to look into. My apple tree on the left 
corner in my back garden, started budding. 

Wild flowers of many colors, purple, yellow and red, all making my
distant flower bed, beautiful, full of life.The leaves of so many shapes, 
colors and of all shades of green. 

All this, is more than enough to open our eyes and to think 
about, that their  Creator must be Someone Great.


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