Valley of Peace and Tranquility

Wednesday -- Beautiful mixed sunny cloudy morning 19 C. It is 10.15,
I am done with my breakfast, enjoying my cup of tea, sitting in my room.
Browsing Facebook messages and enjoying the scenic view of my front
Trees shaking their heads, enjoying the breeze. Black Squirrel enjoying his
morning walk. I can't see any flower on the body of Magnolia tree but it
is loaded with leaves all around.The whole atmosphere is full of life.
Cars not going anywhere, quietly staying on my neighborhood driveways.
I can't see any activity in the "Twin Towers", I mean the two tall trees
on my next door front garden.
I think, everyone following the staying home directive. It is good to take
precautions, to stay safe and avoid the Virus.Yesterday, I was at the lake,
in the afternoon. People were there but all keeping the distance.
I was up late today. My back problem erupted last night. Sleep was not
good. I used heating pad and did my morning stretch exercises. Now much
better still not 100%. It is not a big deal just an old age saga.
Things start happening. What you expect with an old machinery. We have
to accept whatever is there. Don't have to take these things seriously.
Just slow down a bit and continue your activities.
Anyway, it is time for my kitchen to make banana shake and to empty
the dishwasher. We have to continue our routine day plan, to give a message
to our mind that we are not done.We are still in the Rink.
These messages matter a lot to stay away from thinking negative.
What we think, we start believing. Our mind takes it like a print
material to follow and start giving positive instructions to our body.
Never pollute your mind with negative thoughts.This is poison.
Takes away happiness from our life.We start feeling low and go
towards depression.That will risk our health.
Attitude is key. It changes the direction. Direction of your thoughts.
It is up to us, where we want to go. Positive thoughts will take us to the
valley of peace, tranquility and happiness.Where all is well. Nothing
to worry about. Life is good. Pay a visit to that valley, to enjoy your life.
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