Journal of Story of Our Life

Tuesday -- Beautiful cold morning mixed sunny and cloudy with 12 C
I can't see any bird. No Black Squirrel. I think it is early. They are still
in bed. There is nothing good on News Channel.
I am done with my breakfast, will enjoy my cup of tea, in my room,
enjoy my front garden view and company of my computer. We always
have to go for things to drain happiness.
Look for something positive in your every day life. Life is like a booklet,
like a journal.Try to write, to engrave something positive every day.
Try to behold beauty from around to script, to incorporate, to compile
into beautiful manuscript of your story of life.
There is always something good around. We have to look for that.
But first step is to clear our mind and soul from negative thoughts.
It has to be neutral to absorb the positives from around.
We can not not get happiness from things when our mind is already
polluted with negative thoughts.We will never be able to look through
the beauty of anything around. It will all look dull and boring.
Life will be like bunch of hopeless years, meaningless, just have to live
till the end of tenure. No purpose, to live. Change your attitude my dear
and the scenario will shift from negative to positive, full of happiness.
We can not change anything or anyone around. We have to focus on our
own self. Our attitude makes the difference. Life is the same for everyone.
No genie will come to make our day. It never happens in real life.
We have to make our own day. Life is like a trail with bushes around.
We have to find our path, path of happiness. Make other people happy,
you will get happiness in return. What goes around comes around.
It is 10.30, today is our garbage collection day. I opened the windows
of my room, I can hear the sound of garbage truck, the breeze. I can see
that trees shaking their heads. I think they are enjoying, look happy.
The whole atmosphere is full of life, beautiful. There is so much to look
around to be happy. Red flowers smiling from across. Front gardens of my
neighborhood, look great with lush green grass. What a beauty.
Life is good.
Dear Retirees, please don't feel bad. Nowadays because of Glitch, I don't
get comments every day. Yesterday I got, in the afternoon after two weeks.
I love to write you back whenever I get your message. Trust me.
My friends from Smile with Smile program,Teens are home for many weeks.
This is very tricky situation not only for parents and other household
members but it is for teens too.
We have to put ourselves in their shoes.They are stuck.Their entire life is
now changed. We have to realize all that.They feel like trapped and under
house arrest. Parents have to be considerate.
Please don't intrude into their private life. Leave them alone to enjoy their
own personal space.Take this lock down period as an opportunity to have
moments to be cherished for the days ahead. Not like a period of tug of war.
They will be gone, leaving the Nest Empty.Value these moments to avail
all the happiness. Enjoy their company for now.There is always give and
take in all relationships. Nothing works one sided. Forget about demands
and commands and things will be fine.
My Dear Retirees, this give and take system applies for Joint family living
situation too. We have to make contributions in the household, we live in.
Senior Card is not a good excuse.
Being seniors, we can not do physical work but we can limit our demands
to make the atmosphere peaceful. We have to keep in mind that even smile
on our face can also make a big difference. Just do that.
My Dear Student Friends, I understand, this is very tough period for you
people. You are stuck for many weeks. Must be feeling under house arrest.
My Dear this is not a good time for anyone else.
Keep in mind that "THIS TOO SHALL PASS". Parents are parents.
They can not change their style at this age.You will understand all that
when you will have kids of your own in years to come.They love you.
Trust me.
We can not change anyone.We just have to focus to change our own self.
Change your attitude.Things wont bother you.Try to get busy to stay away
from thinking negative. Please have patience. Patience is virtue. It always
helps to solve situations.Thanks.
Kris Dear, I think Father is like a Kid. He wants things what others have.
I live 5 minutes away from lake so I go every day. Please stop him having
parties. Too much work for Hannah and Niklas. Ask him to calm down
and stop making their lives miserable. I feel sad for them.
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