No Negotiations. It is Tit for Tat

Sunday -- Hot beautiful morning 24 C now, will be 32 later. It is 9.45,
I am done with my breakfast, now in my room, talking to my youngest
daughter. She just called me from Reading, England.
She was busy with gardening and cooking. My other daughters from
Grimsby and Kent, also joined for a while. It was already afternoon
there in England.
They were busy with their own things, with their family matters.They
already left, there was not much to talk anyway. We have to admire
and appreciate, whatever time our kids able to give to us, to we parents.
They have their own family to get busy, to look after. We have to keep
that in mind. We don't have to push our kids for things, so that, they have
no choice except to say "No".
"No", is strong word, especially for we parents. It will hurt, will be
like an scar, deep down to our heart.Try to avoid to be in that position.
It will not be easy for our kids too.They wont like to refuse until we push
them for that and leave them with no other choice.
Every relationship flourishes on give and take principle. Same is Parent,
Kids relationship.We have to realize that our kids have obligations and
love for their own family too, beside the emotions for we parents.
We parents have to put ourselves in their shoes, to help our kids not to
be sandwiched between their family and their parents. In most of the cases,
kids having tough time, dealing with their parents undue pressure.
We parents being in that age, start feeling insecure. Demand more time
and attention from our kids, which is not reasonable. Our kids are
busy with their work, with their own family.
It is not possible for them to fulfill our demand list. It results in frustration
for we parents and pressure starts building for our kids. His family and
his parents, both behave like bargaining parties.
Every side wants a bigger piece of him. He becomes helpless. No one is
ready to budge in, to leave the position. No one ready to understand.
No compromise. No negotiations.That,s it. End of story.
Now emotional blackmail starts. We parents use our "Age factor",
our "Old age" Gold card. It might work. Let us try that. What about our
kid. He doesn't care about us, so why we. It has to be now " Tit for Tat".
It is 11.30, I am now busy talking to my Dear Readers. I mean writing
my Blog, also browsing my Facebook messages. My childhood grade five
friend is now feeling better. I got her message from Perth, Australia.
At our age, so many things start like routine matters. Our sleep not the
same every night. We are carrying more than half a century old machinery.
What we expect out of that. Nerves and body also not so strong.
She was aware of all that so a bit scared and worried. It is good to have
someone who can relate to all that. She is much better now. I am happy
for my friend.
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