Open Your Windows To Lend Your Hand

Monday -- It is 10.15, beautiful sunny morning. Weather is great 20 C.
Tomorrow will be hot day. I am in my room, done with my breakfast.
Doing laundry, my clothes are in Dryer.Today I have to do my hair wash
too. I don't do it every day.
Every morning, I take my table calendar out from my drawer, to check
when to wash my hair and when to do my laundry. It is not easy to keep
track of these things at my age.
To sort out and manage things on my own, this small calendar is a great
help for me. It is an easy option. I don't have to count days on my finger
tips and get confused.
I am in my room. My laundry is done. I am with my computer. I slightly
opened up my windows, to hear the wind, the breeze, the birds. It is great
to connect with the world outside.
I can hear the traffic too as the Whites Road is very close to my place.
I can figure out, how busy is there, how much is the flow of traffic,
It is amazing that I am sitting in my room still feeling connected with
everything around.
We can be alone but can never be lonely. It is all up to us, how we take
things, how we take our life. Outside world is always there to give us
company. It all depends, how we get connected.
Go outside to your balcony, to your garden to watch Birds, Butterflies,
Squirrels. All sorts of Plants are there for us, to be looked through, into
their wonderful lives.The leaves, the flowers of each plant, is unique,
needs to be studied, to be explored, will take hours.
Even sitting in our room, we can connect with things around. No excuses.
We can be alone but never lonely. All the Creatures are there, waiting
to share moments of our lives.
We have to open up. Open your windows, lend your hands to greet,
to make your day. It will change the entire outlook.You will start
taking your life, not with full of struggle, sort of a duty. It will be
like a gift from God.
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