I Love my Flower Bed my Pear Tree

Thursday -- Beautiful calm quiet morning. No rain, no wind. It is 21 C,
will be hot 30 later. It is 9.45, I am sitting in the TV lounge, watching
Headline News and also enjoying the view of my back garden.
Couple of birds are here for their morning walk. Grass is lush green.
White Butterfly talking to the violet and yellow flowers in the flower bed
at the back side. Pear tree on the left, is in full bloom.
Black Squirrel is busy with his morning exercises on the wooden fence.
Everything is like full of life. I can see so much happiness all around.
What a beautiful start of my day. Thank you God for giving me all this.
I was up early today. Sometimes my nerve gives me problem, enough
to wake me up. My feet also not good for couple of days. I know this
is all my fault. I am not taking rest and precautions. I can't do that.
Not my style. I know it will take time, be with me for a while.
Yesterday I went with my son to Vaughn. He was going to car showroom.
We have to buy one. It has to be seven seated so that we, six can fit in.
He is looking for SUV. We will give away our old Red Caravan.
Vaughn is 30 minutes away from my place, Pickering. I went with my son.
I like to avail any opportunity to get out, to change the scenery. It helps,
changes our attitude, our thinking.
It helps us to have a different outlook of the things around, a positive
change. It helps to control our mood swings. It doesn't matter if we
don't have anywhere to go. We have enough opportunities to change
our scenery.
Just have to look for that. Go to your balcony, to your garden. Switch
on TV for a while, then go, to water plants. Go to your kitchen to spend
some time there. Don't stay at the same place, same spot for hours.
It wont be good for you.
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