Explore Your Journey of Life

Friday -- Beautiful hot sunny morning 26 C, will be 34 later. I think,
it was good idea that I watered my front garden last evening.
I will water in the afternoon again.
No chances of rain for couple of days. I just checked. God is asking us to
manage on our own for a while. Weather is great for now. It looks breezy.
I am in my room with my computer and with my bedroom windows open.
Trees are shaking their heads, enjoying.The "Twin Towers", I mean
the two tall trees at my next door neighbor's front garden, I think
rented out it's apartments. I can hear birds from there.
Border restrictions are now relaxed for the relatives and families so these
birds must be back from the South. It is good to see that things are getting
back on track.The atmosphere now looks great, full of life.
Beautiful pink Phoenicia smiling from one of my neighbor's garden.
Red flowers looking great at the small beautiful garden across.There
is so much to enjoy, to observe, to behold and to cherish. I have
no worries, no complaints.
I am fine with this staying home period. I think God planned to provide
we Humans, time to ponder, to take a break, to get out of our Domains
and to think about others.
We can discover so many aspects of our lives, which we never thought
about. We can now work on our hidden talents, we never realized.
Everyone is unique, has his own qualities, his own personality.
We have to go deep to visit our inside, to make use of all our inner qualities
and talents, which we go on neglecting and so most of these are wasted.
We just don't have to live our life. We have to travel through and go on
exploring the beautiful journey of our life.
We can not waste and bin it.We have to value our life.
Keep in mind that, it is a great gift from God.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are lined up outside my shop today to read blog. As usual there is a big traffic jam. The police officers are helping with the traffic and the security guards are helping with managing the line ups. The locals are happy because out of town visitors do their grocery shopping here but I am losing a lot of money because I have to pay for the security guards and most people avoid buying anything from me. If it goes on like this I may have to close the shop
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read your blog everyday. It is my lifeline
I like you blog in China. It very very good
ReplyDeleteThis good. I no Anglais. French good
DeleteThis good blog. I read Russia
DeleteI enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but French good
DeleteI read blog Poland. It very good. I read with family
DeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked Worker come and say me how you? I say I no want talk because you bad. Wicked Worker say but remember I help you all time. I say but you trick me to. She say but I only one who helping you. You ask your Madam so many time for help but she no help.I say yes but she no getting comment. Wicked worker say but how possible that she able post blog every day but no getting comment every day. I say I dont know may be its Google problem. She laugh and say you mean Google also get virus. I say I dont know. Wicked Worker say think about this, it not possible. I say yes you got point. I sorry that I hurt you feeling. She say it ok, No worry. I only say my advice to help you. I say thank. Job Worker 2 say ok, you go get grocery and then clean it. I say but it will take lot time. Job worker 2 say yes that good because I need lot time to think about you problem. I say ok and then go get grocery. I do 1 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteSome retirees met today to read your blog. We met outside the cafe and did social distancing. Not all retirees are comfortable meeting outside. Some are concerned about the virus but many more are concerned that you have not given explicit approval for the plan to meet. The retirees who met mentioned that you are not getting the comments so thats why you have not approved the plan that I shared last week. If you get the comment then please let me know if we should continue with these gatherings or stop it.
The retirees living with family are getting very frustrated with their kids, in law kids and the grandkids. They dont give us the due respect. We know that you have said that we should compromise but its very difficult
Smile with Smile program are getting ready for back to school activities. The biggest challenge continues to be complaints by parents as well as kids that they dont get respect and privacy. Can you please help
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Yes SMILE GARDEN. We have resumed the readings with social distancing ofcourse. The Dean was very pleased and so was Prof George. Because everyone was spaced out by 2 meters, the 300 people which showed up required a lot of space. Mrs. Lucy did bring carrot desert but the Dean suggested to her that we should not avoid having it at this time. Some people were thinking of skipping darts but he said that we can safely play it with social distancing in place. Mrs. Lucy joked sand said that for some of the things that your son is doing, he deserves to get the bull
We are very upset with our parents. The long lectures are one thing, now they are asking us to eat together. In some cases they also ask us to eat together but when we do, they give us more lecture. There lectures are getting longer too, like sometimes they are 3 minutes and they are 1-2 weeks. Its driving us crazy. They also want to get us involved in decisions about buying this and that but they dont listen to us and end up buying on their own. The worst is that they ask us to go with them to parks etc. Their excuse is that weather is good. Well, we dont care about the weather or the scenery. It will be good if they can just leave us alone with our video games and computer. We know that your grandkids dont have to worry about that because of you but fir the rest of us its a big problem
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing dart player. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteYet another new blog today. Smile always creates a new blog every day
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Yes Smile always serves the readers a new set of ideas every day.
My daughter in law gets up late, watches soaps all day, does not do anything constructive, and yet shamelessly says things against me.. I know you have solved the drug problem, get the police to stop coming in uniform, and solved many other problems, but she is one problem that is impossible to fix.
ReplyDeleteMother in law of the Happy Reader
Father say father yell nabor because he no make Phoneicia in garden. Father tell him that he need pay for bird trick to. Father say father yell Hannah because father anger. Father yell Niklas because he no do any for grandpapa and only see video. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father litle upset today because father get bore. Hannah say nabor very upset because father kris yell him but Hannah say Hannah talk nabor and say him no mind father. Hannah say it good that you injoy you time. Hannah say you very positive and no get bore. Hannah say you kris good. Niklas say grandpapa wake Niklas with ice today to. Niklas say he make fun Niklas to and say him that Niklas tell Smile but Smile no care Niklas. Niklas say Smile do but grandpapa say then why Smile no rite Niklas say because Smile busy but grandpapa keep laff. Me say father no fight nabor because nabor good but father say he no good becuase he no put good flower. Me say nabor complain that when he put good flower rat eat but father say they no rat but rabit. Me say father no yell Hannah because it no Hannah mistake but father say me take side. Me say me no do. Father say do. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
good post
ReplyDeletePlease stop this insanity. Just stop. I cant take it anymore. I know Smile wants us all to be kind but this is too much
DeleteGreat work mrizvi. Good comment
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaax
DeleteBrilliant comment mrizvi. You guessed right today too. Thanks kiddo