Try to Respect Everyone's Personal Space
Saturday -- Beautiful sunny cold morning with 10 C. In winter time too
when it is snowing and it is below zero temperature, mornings use to be
usually sunny and bright.This is the beauty of Canada.
If we try to look into things, nothing is total negative, total bleak.
There is always something positive. We just have to look for that.
It is 10.15, I am done with my 5 minutes stretch exercises and with my
breakfast. Enjoying my morning tea, sitting in my room, with my computer.
My daughter, the middle one is done with her exams.
My youngest daughter made a conference call. She loves to do such things.
Life is the same, we have to put colors into it. Call was not long. Everyone
joined and was free to take exit on her own time. No pressure.
Calls must be to enjoy, not like to be a burden. Must be short and sweet.
No personal comments. It has to be just a chit chat. Specially in conference
calls, we have to be careful so that everyone can enjoy.
Call is done, now it is my own personal time. I am browsing my Facebook
messages also enjoying the view of my front garden. Couple of birds are
there, enjoying their morning walk.
Black Squirrel is busy having his snacks under the Magnolia tree.
Weather looks great, beautiful, breezy. My neighborhood is quiet.
Cars sitting idle on driveways. No one going anywhere.
I think it is early and it is weekend too. Now I see my neighbor across,
just came outside, to get busy with his garden. He started lawn mowing.
Red flowers looking great in the big pot at his garden.
It is 11.30, I have to go to my kitchen.Time to make banana smoothie.
We have to switch places, to change our scenery. It keeps us motivated
and helps in keeping us away from thinking negative.
Try to get busy with anything to live in day tight compartment.
Leave no space for negative thoughts. But keep in mind please,
we don't have to bother others, while making our plans.
Everyone likes to have his own personal space, to enjoy his own time.
We always have to respect that and try not to intrude his private territory.
Try to avoid to interfere in other people's personal matters. Let everyone
enjoy his own time, his own life.This always, will lead to happy living.
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