Path of Peace and Tranquility

Monday -- Beautiful morning. It is 17 C, a bit cold. I am in my kitchen
busy, making my breakfast. Oatmeal porridge, stir fried egg and my
morning cup of tea. It is Monday, working day.
My son is busy with his computer, with his work and his meetings.
Nothing good to watch on TV so I skipped sitting in the TV lounge.
I am in my room with my computer, enjoying my morning cup of tea.
I am looking through the window to enjoy the view of my front
garden and my neighborhood. It looks breezy. Magnolia tree on the
left, is with it's body all covered with green around, looks full of life.
Red wooden bench at the corner is looking great on the lush green
grass. Red flowers are smiling from the front garden of my neighbor
across. My neighbor in front, looks ready to take his dog for a walk.
My next door neighbor, is busy with his garden. Pink Phonsia flowers
are in full bloom on the garden of, next to his house.There is so much
to look around to enjoy through this window of mine. Life is good.
No complaints.
I think there are always somethings around, to observe and to enjoy.
We have to take time off from our busy routine, to pause, to have a look
and to cherish. Give yourself a break and try to diffuse your mind.
Stop thinking for a while, neutralize your mind to absorb the beauty
of Nature scattered all around. Sometimes we have to get rid of our
thoughts and have to take some time off.
Our mind is full of staggered thoughts.There are some good thoughts
too but mostly are negative ones, which go on blooming like weeds,
polluting our mind, leaving no space for our positive thoughts to
When we have good moments and enjoy our time, it acts like killer
to our negative thoughts. It goes on clearing weeds from our mind.
This also acts like watering and pruning our positive thoughts.
Try to pause, to admire the beauty of Nature and the things and people
around. Our thinking can change the outlook of our entire life. It can
shift the track, the path of our life. Positive thinking will take us away
from feeling low and getting depressed.
Life is the same for everyone. It all depends how we take it. Life is
like an unpaved path, a trail with bushes around. We have to find
our route, the route of living a happy life. The roue of peace and
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