Everyone is Unique, Don't follow Other's Steps

Sunday -- Beautiful sunny cold morning. Weather nowadays behaving
like a sea saw. Yesterday was 25, today it is 11, will be 20 C later in the
afternoon. It is 10.30, I am in my room with my friend, my computer.
For couple of days, my back giving me problem. Specially in the morning,
it is not easy to stand up. I know that it is my fault too. I am not taking rest
and not any medicine. Going for lake to walk around and busy with my
routine activities.
But my Dear, I do my five minutes stretch exercises on the bed room
carpet, every day. I use heating pad, not in day time but when I go to bed.
That is of course after midnight.
Routine is routine, I can not change that. I put hot water on my back while
having shower.This all helping me out but will take time.This is a slow
therapy, I know that. I am ready to face all that. That's fine with me.
My Dear Reader Friends, please don't stop taking your medicines.
Every person is different and so is every body. We have to do whatever suits.
We don't have to follow other people's foot steps. What works for others,
might not work for you.
I have all the medicines in my cabinet. I don't use any. It means my body
is trained for slow therapy style of healing. I am fine with couple of sleepless
nights. But last night was something different.
I was sleepy but started feeling that I am not having enough air to breath.
It was hot day yesterday. I think it was because of that. Sleepless nights
are common. We face more often, specially at our age.
We first have to distract ourselves, to get relaxed and to be calm. We can
not resolve any situation until we are calm. Stop looking at the time, it will
add up anxiety and will flare up the situation.
Start doing anything to get yourself busy with. I switch my computer on,
to play Scrabble and Card games and to watch any of my favorite show.
Give yourself some time too cool down.Things will be easy to handle after
Have patience. Don't panic. Sometimes I have to be with my computer
many times before to be able to get some sleep. It doesn't happen every
night. But not unusual.
Keep in mind that we Humans have all the power and ability to handle
any situation, any circumstances. By the way please don't stop taking
the medicines you usually have to.
Every body is different and act differently. If your body is used to any
medicine and you will stop that, it will not be a good idea. It might be
drastic. So be careful. Handle your body and deal things in your own style.
I am going to make banana shakes for my son and for myself. We never
have to forget to give treats to our own selves. Mind and body have very
strong relationship.
One goes off, the other one wont listen. Our Mind will deviate from the
positive track and will start giving directions to our body to go to the path
of thinking negative, not be good to lead a happy life.
Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs, Stop doing groceries for your colleague.
This is not volunteering. Be very careful. She tricks you all the time.
Dear Retirees, It will be great idea to meet outside the cafe for Blog Reading
sessions. Please go ahead, taking certain things into account like weather,
health factors and of course the social distancing.
It will be great to have meetings. It will be very positive for everyone,
specially at this time of Covid. You can walk together, keep distancing.
Please go ahead. I will be happy for you people.
Dear Students, I started writing every day because of this lock down
period of staying home. I know it is not easy to tackle these difficult days.
But "This Too Shall Pass", my Dear.
You are having tough time at home. I can understand. Staying home
for such a long period of time is very demanding situation. Not for you
people but also for your parents too. Everyone is in the same boat.
Stuck and not many places to take an exit. Have patience my Friends.
Patience is virtue always wins in all circumstances.There is always light
at the end of tunnel. Keep that in mind.
Thanks to my Friends Dean, George, Lucy and all of my other Friends
for going through my Blogs and acknowledging my efforts of making
the days of you people brighter. Thanks.
Dear Linda and Dave, I am happy and salute you people for your efforts
to dilute the gravity of the situation. It is great to resolve things between
people. If we realize that we all belong to the same Human Family
and Creatures of the same God. Things will be easy to sort.
Kris Dear, I go to lake as it is just 5 minutes away from my place Pickering.
Stop Father from having parties and making Hannah and Niklas lives
miserable. You also please stop yelling at Niklas and let him enjoy his
own time. Thanks.
It is 3.30, I am at lake. Small sail boats looking beautiful floating on the
blue surface of water. One Duck is here too, enjoying his sailing. So many
different kinds of birds are around, enjoying their time, having chit chat.
I am walking on the trail. So many yellow, white, red, purple, all colors
of flowers giving a beautiful look to the atmosphere. Such a view to behold,
to observe, to cherish.
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