Happy Faces Please

It is a beautiful morning
I got my Reader's Comments
it added my morning's joy
I packed my hand trolley
as I am going to Grimsby

This will be a unique travel experience
as for the first time my youngest 
daughter will accompany me
throughout my journey
from London to Grimsby

She will be getting some time off 
from her daughter's wedding
busy schedule
will be for couple of days 
at Grimsby with me

Her daughter the Bride will join 
with Groom to pick her Mom up 
from Grimsby
we will have some great family time 
the time never in my life I had before

we have to focus on our present time
and enjoy whatever we have

Every moment we have is
worth to celebrate
we loose the moment and
time doesn't come back
on Every Birthday we loose one
whole year from our Life

Try to celebrate each and every moment
so that in our really old age
God forbid if we have nowhere to go
we can open our Big Memory Box
to enjoy our days to get relaxed

Our Future will never be Bleak
we will keep our smile forever
Smiley faces attract people
no one likes Grumpy Look
and we wont like to be left out so
Keep smiling please


  1. My Smile is having such a beautiful time and she is still writing for us. Thank you, Smile


  2. Dear Madam Smile, it is so nice of you to be thinking of us at the start of your day. We dont deserve it.

    @ mrizvi: Please read. See how beautiful this blog is and there is also very good advice from Madam Smile for us

  3. I loved the blog Smile. It is fantastic that you are having such a nice time and yet are continuing to write for readers like me who are addicted to this

    @ mrizvi: Please read. You will love the blog too

  4. My Smile is the best. She is having an amazing family time and yet is thinking of her readers.

    # mrizvi: Please read today's blog if you can

  5. Thank you Smile for writing. It is nice that you are sharing with us. Wish you and your family all the best in Grimsby.

    @mrizvi: We readers are part of Smile's family too. Thats why we are asking you to read because we owe it our Smile

  6. Timely advice for everyone that good memories are so important. It is great that Smile is sharing the family time with her "Reader's family"

  7. very insightful post very very good to read all the time

  8. Plunker I agree with You
    You people are my family
    I thank to My Reader's family
    Karen Batman Superwoman Boris Dave Juan mrizvi
    All of you important to me

  9. It is so thoughtful of you Smile to consider us part of your family. I particularly appreciate that you are writing every day as I requested for that. Thank you for writing and considering us part of your family


  10. C'est tellement beau. Je vais vous joindre à cette famille aussi

    @ mrizvi: Lisez s'il vous plait. Vous pouvez avoir beaucoup de plaisir


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