Not To Wait For Their Calls
Tuesday -- Beautiful mixed sunny cloudy morning 20 C now, will be 30 later
in the afternoon. Looking great, just started drizzling. It is 10. 15, I am done
with my breakfast. Now in my room with my computer.
My window curtains not drawn down. I have to be part of the beautiful
world outside. Such a scenic view to behold. So much beauty around.
Yesterday we had a wedding invitation from our close community friend.
It was their daughter's wedding. I opted to not to attend, called to offer my
My son was there with his wife. It was first Covid time wedding.
Here in Pickering, 100 people allowed for outside ceremonies.
This 100 people limit varies from places to places. Every Jurisdiction
has it's own rules and regulations. They made arrangements in their back
garden. In Canada not much population so lot of space available to make
big houses.
Heavy rain started at 6 pm but ceremony was not disturbed.
They already taken measures for rain into account. It was beautiful
arrangement. I saw the photographs. It was beautiful.
Not easy to do in the mid of Pandemic and with rain on top. I think
when there is will, there is always a way to make accomplishments.
It is 10.30, I am with my computer, browsing my Facebook messages.
My youngest daughter called from Reading, early morning. I was busy
with my 5 minutes stretching exercises, on my bedroom carpet. I called
her back, before my breakfast.
She had something wrong with her left hand. It has been a while, still
giving problem. Sometimes not possible for her, to do small things, like
buttering slice of bread. Guests coming tomorrow at her place. She was
busy with preparations for the dinner tomorrow night.
I told you when there is will, there is always a way. My daughter, the middle
one, who lives in Grimsby, planned a trip next week with family friends, to
go somewhere in Scotland. She must be busy with the arrangements.
My daughter, who lives in Kent, I think must be busy with her family. It is
school vacations over there. She usually make plans to keep her kids busy
and to enjoy with their company. I don't have to wait for their calls.
We parents have to leave our kids alone, to enjoy their own time, to be with
their own families. We parents have to limit our expectations. Have to keep
away from seeking their company. Don't have to wait for their calls.
We have to find our own things to get busy, to pass our time.
It is their time, their life to enjoy, to do what they like and how to spend
time with their own kids and families. We have to give them space.
Not have to interfere with their personal matters. Not have to enter in
their private territory. Everyone needs some privacy. We have to
respect that.
Dear Readers, I am not getting any comment from you people.
May be because of Glitch. Hope everyone, all of you my friends
must be doing great.
My Friends in Ireland, I wish you people to enjoy your time together
like days before. Please try to spread happiness around. It matters a lot
at this time of Covid period. It is good to have some time, to filter out the
inner low feeling, the inside depression. Try to be considerate to forget
and forgive to get peace and happiness. I will be happy and thankful
to everyone of you, for that.
My friends in offices, and at home, I pray for everyone of you.
Dear Retirees, try to enjoy your time together. Try to get out,
keeping distance and taking safety measures.
My Dear Student friends, please have patience.
This too shall pass. Trust me.
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